Saturday, 16 March 2013

Censored! Egypt Bans Documentary About Jewish Community

Here's the English language trailer for a documentary about the pre-1950s Jewish community in Egypt, which was some 65,000 strong, and thriving.  As reported here the Egyptian authorities have at the eleventh hour withdrawn permission for the film's release.

1 comment:

  1. "Egypt had a famously intolerant attitude towards films about race and ethnic tension under Mubarak, but film-makers had hoped for a more liberal approach from Muslim Brotherhood-backed president Mohamed Morsi following his election in June 2012."

    As reported by the Guardian.

    Sometimes you just can't believe what you read.

    Looks like an interesting film. Could be the best thing. I'm sure it will have a bigger market in the West now than it ever would in Egypt. Nothing raises circulation more than a good banning.


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