Wednesday, 6 March 2013

At UNSW, Will The Chocolatier Conquer Campus?

An article in University of New South Wales student newspaper Tharunka,  with the heading "Hot Chocolate and War Crimes," reports that a Max Brenner franchise will in all likelihood soon be opening on campus:
"[T]he move to allow a Max Brenner store on campus comes after the chocolate shop was identified in the top three food and beverage outlet suggestions by students and staff in the 2011 Retail Survey conducted by UNSW.
The survey was completed by nearly 7000 students and staff, the most successful participation rate of any survey conducted by UNSW," the report notes.
However, the usual suspects are predictably unhappy:
'The probable opening of a Max Brenner chocolate store at UNSW this year has prompted concerned students to question the decision to allow on campus a corporation affiliated with elements of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), who are accused of war crimes against the Palestinian people.
Acting President of Students for Justice in Palestine UNSW, Ali Hosseini, told Tharunka that he was disappointed that a respected academic institution such as the university would “stoop so low as to do business with Max Brenner”, demanding the university withdraw from working with the company....
 UNSW student Bec Hynek, member of the Palestine Action Group Sydney and Jews Against the Occupation, said Australian university students have a history of protesting global concerns.
“Students have often been at the forefront of being opposed to apartheid in South Africa and being involved in anti-war movements. It’s students especially who have a stake in not accepting [Max Brenner] on our campus.”
 Notorious anti-Israel campaigner Antony Loewenstein told the newspaper, inter alia:
"I would say to university management that if you open a Max Brenner on campus, you are guaranteeing legitimate peaceful protest against that shop. And if that’s the kind of attraction you want to have at the university, then go right ahead."
Noam Chomsky got in his ten cents' worth.

'SRC Ethnic Affairs Officer, Charlotte Lewis, expressed scepticism at the likelihood of a BDS campaign against Max Brenner succeeding at UNSW.
“As university students in Sydney, I feel we should be focussing more on university life and life in Australia, rather than protesting things that are really beyond anyone’s control in Australia,” she said. “However, it’s good to protest if students want to get their voices heard.” ....'
And Sabina Baunin, President of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students UNSW, observed: 
“I think members of the UNSW community at large might be a bit disappointed if fringe groups turn this into something political, when the students really just want to enjoy some incredible chocolate.”
 Read the entire report here

While we're on the subject of the famed chocolatier, below, against the background of a typically noisy and noisome protest against Max Brenner, this one by Boston University students on Valentine's Day, two earnest young men, one strongly pro-Israel, discuss the protest and the issue of political activism in general.


  1. UNSW student Bec Hynek, is now Bec Isred and is the league with Porzsolt,Stillman and Lowenstein, another of the enemy within.

    A small video I took of Bec Hynek the day I was attacked in Newtown.
    In fact the 'young lady' wearing the red t-shirt who blocked my view, was the first to get stuck into me with antisemitic comments and how I wish I'd left the camera running.

    SRC Ethnic Affairs Officer, Charlotte Lewis will give them a run for their money. Charlotte is a tough cookie. She gave up the Presidency of AUJS on the UNSW for this position, which is a shame. She's a great little activist. I had some great talks with her.

  2. Max Brenner protest was pathetic (30 bigots) and the shop will be open on campus in June 2013.

    BTW, I've been telling Jewhaters online that every keystroke they type sends money into the pockets of Israeli geeks!


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