Tuesday, 19 February 2013

"Our Only Fault Is To Be Palestinian": The mistreatment of Palestinians by their fellow Arabs (videos)

"Most of the present Arab countries were given their freedom after the 1914-18 War, or after the 1939-45 War.... Yet to listen to Arab spokesmen one might think that they had been cheated ... because they have not also got Israel. Israel is only .2 per cent of the land where Arab States have been established. Surely no fair-minded man can begrudge the Jews their own promised land when it is remembered that for every 2 acres that went to make up Israel, 1,000 acres became Arab. 
.... Why is there an Arab refugee problem? The oil-rich countries have the money. There is no shortage of land, and the Israelis have the technical knowledge to show how it could be developed and made fertile. Bring those things together and the problem could be solved."
Thus observed the third Earl of Balfour, nephew of Arthur James Balfour, twenty years after the foundation of the Jewish State.

Here's a three-part look at the mistreatment of Palestinians by certain Arab nations, who could certainly have integrated those who fled (just as Israel, despite the onerous financial burden involved, on top of the challenges of integrating refugees from Europe, successfully integrated refugees from Arab lands) but preferred to use them as pawns in their struggle against the Zionist Entity.  (Hat tip: Michael K.)



Lebanon and Syria:

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