Thursday, 21 February 2013

"I Don't Recognise Israel, & I Don't Debate With Israelis": Galloway Leaves The Building (video)

Gorgeous George's antenna goes on alert when a Brasenose undergraduate, Eylon Aylan-Levy, speaking at an Oxford University debate on Israel, uses the "we" pronoun regarding the Zionist Entity.

"Are you an Israeli?" interjects George.

The response is in the affirmative.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Watch indignant George make his exit below, and read all about it here (hat tip: reader Ian)

And a no-holds-barred assessment here (hat tip: reader Ian G)


  1. Andrew Bolt takes Jewish groups to task for their condemnation of Wilders (31:50)

    If Wilders is wrong, explain this conference

    1. Bolt is exactly right.

      The gutlessness of the Australian Jewish community leadership is shocking.

      "Trembling Israelites" down under.

  2. Anglican blogger Archbishop Cranmer carries a detailed account of the Galloway busines. He pulls no punches with his first and last lines.
    "If any further proof were needed that George Galloway is a vile, racist anti-Semite, this video should suffice.....
    Just in case you've already forgotten the opening line of this article, George Galloway is (a) vile, racist anti-Semite. Let it be remembered, and spread far and wide."

    Personally, I am of the opinion that there are certain politicians who use hatred and prejudice to fund their lifestyles. It keeps them in paid employment of a sort.

    1. Thanks for the link, Ian.
      I find it extraordinary that an MP would act in the way he has towards that student.

    2. Given that we have to now deal with openly antisemitic Anglican clerics like Sizer and the vile pugilistic thug and obsessive liar, "Father Dave", Archbishop Crammer is a welcome corrective.

      It is beyond me why these bigoted creeps are tolerated by the Anglican Church. Doesn't the Church realise how high the stakes are? For them?

      This goes way beyond "tolerance for different political opinions". They have no excuse for not seeing that they are not just "supping with the devil with a long spoon." They did that last time. This time they are in bed with the devil and from what I've heard about those guys I suspect the "spoon" is very short indeed.

      You would need a magnifying glass.

      In a sane world they would be treated as in the same class as child molesters.

    3. Geoff, I think the leadership have just earned themselves the epithet "Trembling Israelites".

    4. I meant that comment for the Wilders in Oz thread, and see you anticipated me! What a shower they are.

  3. Jonathan Hoffman's blog quotes The Times's take on this:

  4. If you take Galloway's latest rant and add Ward's rant the other week then Bradford is know "Judenfrei". And who are these two miserable M.P.'s pandering to? This is a sign to all of us living in the U.K. Our time is running out, time to pack the bags (again). The main political parties have abandoned us, with a few exeption's, and they are not even Jewish, John Mann and dare I say Denis Mcshane. Votes, especially those delivered in a block and in one envelope outweigh the truth.

    1. I feel the French Jews who are taking refuge in Britain (the JC carried an article on its website this week) would be better off going elsewhere.


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