Thursday, 3 January 2013

The Zionist Entity's Days Are Numbered, Declares Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Bigwig

"Israel will be erased within ten years," Essam el-Erian,  vice-chairman of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says.  Talking to the Arabic daily newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, el-Erian, a leading figure in the Brotherhood-linked Freedom and Justice Party, declares:
"The Jews conquering the historic Palestinian territories are an obstacle to the Right of Return and it is Israel's fate to collapse in the upcoming years.The future name of the country will be Palestine and those who lived there from the beginning will live there and those who conquered it will have to go back to their countries.
I have said that for the Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, the occupiers of the  land ... these occupiers have previous homelands, and I pray for the return of the Palestinians
There are an estimated 14 million Jews in the world and only about 6 million in the land of Palestine. They can go out to other places they consider the best for them. The Zionist ideology ended in failure and this project [Israel] fated to collapse in coming years.
 There will be no such thing as Israel, it will be called Palestine, where Jews, Muslims, Christians and Druze and all the people who live there will remain Palestinian citizens. This is our faith and this is what we live and strive for. We tell all those who came and occupied Palestine to return to their countries."
Read more here  (Hat tip: Assad Elepty)


  1. Hmmmm...obviously Essam el-Erian of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood hasn't read what happened in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. I just hope the IDF are up to it, they have all their crap in one sock and the Israeli Government prosecute the war to their terms.



  2. Far more likely Egypt will descend into a Biblical famine before that. So good luck with all of that.

  3. Apologies for tardy posting of comments - away from computer for long periods at peesent.

  4. Thanks for your encouraging words, Nordlys - I agree with you!

  5. I'd be interested to know where are the " historic Palestinian territories" he speaks of are

    1. Their "historic Palestinian territories" are in Jordan. Sadly, the Palis are not welcome there or anywhere in the Arab world.


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