Sunday, 6 January 2013

Telling The Truth About Hamas

Q: Why do you think the mainstream media and international community ignores the crimes and viciousness of Hamas?

A: Honestly, I have no idea.... Maybe some people think that being silent in front of Hamas crimes may help the Palestinians to gain independence. There is nothing more wrong than this. Independence will begin only with the collapse of Hamas.

Q:  When you say you wish for a “democratic government,” do you therefore oppose an Islamic state/Shariah law for Palestinians? Or do you think that democracy and Shariah are compatible and that HAMAS has just implemented it in a bad way?
A: I’m not a naive person. Sharia and democracy are two opposite concepts. Sharia law should not be the law of the state, simply because it is not democratic and it does not guarantee equality to citizens. There are many reasons why no one should be forced to follow Islamic law. One of these is that, as I said before, there are various interpretations of the ancient texts. Therefore, there can be no Islamic law that fits with all the different traditions. A democratic law would ensure respect for the opinions and peaceful coexistence.
Q: Do you support a Palestinian state that also accepts Israel’s right to exist and that does not engage in terror against it for the goal of exterminating it?
A: At this point we all should have realized that there can be only one solution: peace. I cannot deny the merit of Israel that guarantees the rights of the Arabs inside the country. This shows that coexistence is possible.
The interviewee in the exchange I've extracted above is Hisham A., a courageous young Gaza-born Palestinian man, talking to Jamie Glazov of Frontpage magazine about why he founded Muslims Against Hamas (see their Facebook page here and the entire interview here)

And, on the subject of the mainstream media's blind eye, see BBCWatch's current post, describing the Corporations's duplicitous, ignorant reportage of Fatah's celebrations in Gaza: what Hadar Sela demonstrates here really is an eye-opener (to the reader if not to the disgraceful BBC).

1 comment:

  1. Q: Why do you think the mainstream media and international community ignores the crimes and viciousness of Hamas?

    A:The answer is simple- RACISM. The international community know that Hamas is not capable of anything other than viciousness. By not holding Hamas and other similar entities to the standards expected from Western democracies they excuse, sanction and encourage vicious behavior.


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