Tuesday, 15 January 2013

"Poor Israel ... Abandoned By So Many People Who Call Themselves Jewish"

"Poor Israel, poor beleaguered Israel, abandoned by so many people who call themselves Jewish, so alone, so terribly alone."

The words are those of the multi-talented  Ben Stein.

Mr Stein, remembered by an entire generation of now 30-somethings as the soporific economics teacher in the 1980s teen flick Ferris Bueller's Day Off,  is so much more than the sum of the parts he's played in Hollywood.  A Yale-educated lawyer and an economist, he's a prominent Republican writer and speaker.

His latest column in the American Spectator, which concludes with the sentence quoted above, slates Barack  Obama's nomination of Chuck Hagel: "one of the most clearly anti-Israel, anti-Semitic members of the Senate (or ex-members in his case) to be Secretary of Defense".

Mr Stein finds "heartbreaking" the fact that
"Most American Jews clearly supported Mr. Obama in his bid for President against a GOP that has been an incomparably stronger supporter of Israel than the modern-day Democrat party.... Barack Obama’s most productive fund-raisers, especially at the “millionaires and billionaires” level that Mr. Obama supposedly hates so much, were almost unanimously Jews. How they are going to square this with Senator Hagel’s nomination to a post that is of life or death importance to Israel is anyone’s guess.... "
He goes on to observe:
"But here is a clue: the really committed left-wing Jew does not care much about Israel. Jews in many cases have loyalties that trump their interest to Israel. Their support of Mr. Obama is a case in point.
You are going to see this in the immediate future, as Mr. Obama lines up his many Jewish friends and supporters to back Mr. Hagel.
 I hope the people who are supporting Chuck Hagel know that by confirming him, they are cementing at 100 percent that odds that Iran will get a nuclear capability without U.S. interference....
As a student of anti-Semitism in Europe before, during, and after the Holocaust, no amount of hatred and loathing for Jews surprises me. Americans who do love Israel should be aware, though, that it is growing much more likely by the moment that there will be a second Holocaust. The only real friends that Israel has on this earth, evangelical Christians, will take note. Whether anyone else will is a big question."
Read all of Ben Stein's article here

1 comment:

  1. re Hagel see:
    and this latest outrage from the BBC's Jerusalem Bureau chief Paul Danahar:

    And on an unrelated topic, see Facebook's latest show of hypocrisy, removing the page of an eminent Israeli Arab journalist for telling the truth about the conflict while leaving pro-Hamas, pro-Hitler page in situ:


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