Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Naftali Bennett Plan (video)

Ex-Likud member Naftali Bennett, leader of Israel's Jewish Home party, vigorously opposes the creation of a Palestinian State.

Based on his conviction of what is absolutely crucial for Israel's security requirements, his plan for peace entails the annexation by Israel of the approximately 60 per cent of the West Bank designated under the Oslo Accords as Area C (see map at left)..

 In return,  the Palestinian Authority would be given enhanced jurisdiction over the parts designated Areas A and B, in which Ramallah and other major Palestinian population centres lie.

(See here for clear, concise details of Area A, B, and C)

In the following video Bennett's controversial plan is explained in graphic, simple terms.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen another video of this plan and think it's terrific

    However it will end up the way of all good plans as far as the Arabs are where !


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