Tuesday, 11 December 2012

"Palestine Belongs To Us ... Jihad & Resistance Are The Path" (video)

As BBCWatch details here, Britain's despicable "national broadcaster" has been
 "all agog at the visit of Khaled Masha’al to the Gaza Strip for the occasion of events marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the terror organization Hamas – brought forward from the actual date of its establishment in order to coincide with the anniversary of the beginning of the first Intifada on December 9th.
So, whilst Syria slaughters and Egypt writhes, the BBC News website’s home page has for two consecutive days been running the Khaled Masha’al/Hamas rally story as its lead item, with a level of enthusiasm nearing that usually reserved for a Royal visit."
As one commenter aptly observed:
"From the tone adopted by the bbc newsreader [make that successive newsreaders on successive bulletins - D.A.] covering this story on News At Ten on Friday you would have thought the story was about the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet, The tender, affectionate style would equally have suited a piece about a child reunited with distraught parents after going missing in, say, an earthquake."
And, as demonstrated here, the BBC's enthusiasm for Hamas's birthday celebrations shows no sign of abating.

Here, from Memri.org, is the blood-curdling pro-Jihad speech that the antisemitic Islamofascist object of the BBC's reverential tones and grotesquely misplaced affections delivered to his followers in Gaza on 7th December, declaring that all the land from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea "belongs to us and to nobody else ... Palestine ... is the land of Arabism and of Islam" and consequently there will be no recognition by Hamas of Israel.


  1. How they'd squawk their "victimhood" if that did happen, Trudy! Jon Donnison was lucky to get off with a warning the other day.

  2. Interesting logo depicted here (hat tip: Shirlee):

  3. And more BBC bunkum, this time from Jeremy Paxman:
    "...Nowhere on earth perhaps matches Gaza, the sliver of land on the Mediterranean coast left to the Palestinians when Israel was created. Nowhere matches it for density of despair. The Palestinians have now achieved a degree of recognition by the UN, much to Israel’s fury, and Gazans have just emerged from a very one-sided conflict with their neighbour”"
    Teddy Bear, a frequebt and excellent commenter on BBCWatch, has more information re this:http://bbcwatch.org/2012/12/11/bbc-sidesteps-hamas-terrorism-and-oppression-in-order-to-advance-a-narrative/#comment-3353


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