Thursday, 13 December 2012

"A Symptom Of A Nation That Is Becoming Unglued" (video)
Daniel Mayer (1909-96) was a French Jew of socialist principles who played a distinguished part in the Resistance and from 1958-75 headed the Ligue des droits de l'homme.

A fortnight ago (19th-20th November), evidently in revenge for Operation Pillar of Cloud (Defence) by Israel, pupils at a Jewish lycée named after him in the Paris suburb of Montreuil, and run by the education charity ORT, were viciously attacked or otherwise threatened in three separate incidents.

They are described, in French, here.

In the first incident, on the 19th, a group of pupils near the school were set upon by six assailants, who struck without warning, leaving one boy with a broken nose and smashed tooth and subjecting his three companions to lesser injuries.

In a sinister development that same day a man, identifying himself as a Muslim, was encountered on school premises by security guards, who gave chase but failed to catch him.

The following day, a 17-year-old girl who attends the school was waiting for a friend at a nearby Métro station when she was manhandled and verbally sexually harassed by five men (described as "nord-africains"), one of whom wore a keffiyeh.

When the anguished teenager, shoved, cried out, one of the attackers told her:
"Tais-toi ou bien on va te jeter sur les rails et te faire comme à Gaza ! [Shut up or we'll throw you on the track and make you like Gaza!]"
These incidents were only the latest in a number of such episodes at Jewish schools and other Jewish properties in France, but, as with such episodes elsewhere, we're unlikely to be told about them in the mainstream English-language press, and especially not in leftist outlets such as the BBC.

It is in response to Islamic antisemitism in France that aliya  to Israel by French Jews is on the rise.  (See, for example, here)

And it is in response to perceptions that France is becoming islamified that an organisation of young people, calling themselves Generation Identitaire, as this video indicates.

Also appearing in it is the writer Renaud Camus, very much their elder, whose book Le Grand Remplacement encapsulates how theiy feel (incidentally,it has been claimed in the past that Camus is an antisemite, but I am unable to assess the veracity or otherwise of that).

Read more here 


  1. Jews in France need, absolutely need to carry pepper spray and tasers.

  2. @Empress Trudy

    ..and to be ready to USE them.
    And a new Jewish Defence League wouldn't come amiss either.


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