Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Taub Talking (videos)

Many friends of Israel in the UK and indeed around the world doubtless feared that the affable and articulate Ron Prosor, who ceased to be Israel's ambassador to the Court of St James last year when he took up his appointment as his country's permanent representative to the United Nations would be too hard an act to follow.

However, the eloquent and personable Daniel Taub, who succeeded Mr Prosor, is obviously a most impressive replacement.

Like Ron Prosor (and Ishmael Khaldi) before him, he found himself (in October) targeted by anti-Israel elements when he visited the University of Edinburgh to address international relations and politics students (though the disruptive activists failed to deter him from continuing with his speech, and his visit to Scotland proved a success).

In this speech to British ORT, dating also to October, he speaks of Israel and, inter alia, aptly describes the Middle East situation as a struggle between those who want to go backward  and those who want to go forward.

Not surprisingly, Mr Taub found himself in high demand with the media during Operation Pillar of Cloud (aka Defence).  He appeared on various television channels, dealing calmly and capably with the tough questions, such as these posed by Matt Frei, who, as seen, also questioned a Hamas representative:

Here's another interview, also early in the action:

And here's a good article by Daniel Taub.

On the Operation, see Isi Leibler's verdict here

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