Sunday, 25 November 2012

Shoe Hurlers, "Nazi Scum" & NSW Greens: Recent Antipodean Anti-Israel & Anti-American Demonics (videos) (updated)

In Sydney, New South Wales, some "unwelcome guests" (as the SBS reporter describes them), leading to cries of "Nazi Scum Out!".

Ah, yes.  The Australian pro-Palestine movement can't afford more publicity of this kind (a look at antisemitism in its ranks; hat tip: reader Jean), after all.

Some days ago I posted a video showing Greens ex-state politician Sylvia Hale inveighing stridently against Israel's latest defensive action against Hamas. This SBS footage includes Greens senator Lee Rhiannon, of whose anti-Israel stance the Aussie columnist Andrew Bolt wrote this insightful piece a few days ago (hat tip: reader Shirlee)

Hat tip to Shirlee for this footage of a Sydney rally today:

In Auckland, New Zealand, such ripping fun hurling shoes at the American Consulate and flying the Palestinian flag from its flagpole:

(hat tip: reader Shirlee)

In Brisbane, Queensland, the usual suspects shouting the usual themes:

(This, showing leftist and Islamic marchers screaming various chants, some more familiar than others, is one of several showing a rally last week, which included ear-splitting diatribes in English and in Arabic)

Yet another one (hat tip: Shirlee) in whih one of the speakers identifies the "right of return" as the most important goal of all:

And in Melbourne, Victoria, more of the same:

Crap-talk in Adelaide, South Australia:


  1. Brisbane had another rally yesterday.

    The Facebook page of 'The Palestine Action Group Sydney', boasted thousands of attendees.. I received an email from a person who attended, who quoted 500ish. I then quoted 3 or 4 print media sources of 5 to 600. Then funnily enough the number became irrelevant!

  2. There is more still to come from Brisbane. They had another rally yesterday

    I had it on good authority that there were around 550 people at the rally in Sydney. One of the major 'rat bags', oops 'organisers' claimed it was rubbish, more like thousands.

    I then quoted 3 or 4 print media outlets that stated 5 to 6 hundred.

    Would you believe it? The number suddenly became irrelevant !!

    1. I wilted before I could search for Adelaide and Perth ...

    2. Just added the Adelaide ignorant rants

  3. Typo
    Aussie columnist Andrew "Bone"

    Kim "Australia day riot" Sattler called Tony Abbot a “raving Zionist”

    Australian for Palestine has a list of "martyrs" on their web site. It starts with Ahmed Jabari, lists at least 120 terrorist and about 10 civilians killed by Hamas rockets. But the most outrageous bit is the picture a fake originally from Syria!


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