Thursday, 15 November 2012

Mark Regev and Others On Operation Pillar Of Cloud (videos; updated)

Or, as it's also known, Operation Pillar of Defence.

As Israeli spokespeople including Mark Regev (shown below on Al Jazeera, in a video uploaded by yoniyonii, as well as [update] on CNN), and ambassador in London Daniel Taub have observed in press interviews in recent days, Hamas is guilty of a "double war crime": firing rockets at Israeli civilians, and doing so from bases amid civilians in Gaza, which in effect uses innocent people as human shields and makes Israel's response an exceedingly difficult one since Israel has both a duty and an obligation to protect its citizens yet (unlike its barbaric enemy) baulks at taking civilian lives.

Here's IDF spokeswoman Lieutenant-Colonel Avital Leibovich:

Of course, as Israel's deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said during a television interview last evening, the deaths of the innocent in both Gaza and Israel is to be mourned and regretted.

Let's hope that Israel's latest well-justified action against Hamas terror doesn't escalate into a destructive debilitating ground war.

Here's the urbane Jonathan Sacerdoti from the Institute for Middle Eastern Democracy making some excellent points during an interview with BBC newsreader Chris Rogers last evening:

And here's Daniel in the vipers' den: Daniel Pipes talking from Florida on Press TV, with the rabid anti-Israel activist Ken O'Keefe ranting from London about the creation and actions of "a criminal psychopathic racist entity" and insulting "this man in Florida and the dupes who follow his logic" as he does so  ...

There's also a British-accented activist talking from Gaza, and invoking the now discredited Goldstone Report...


  1. Three dead in rocket attack on Kiryat Malachi
    Israeli cities suffer constant assaults, Iron Dome downs dozens of rockets as Operation Pillar of Defense enters second day

    Operation Pillar of Defense: IDF Disperses Leaflets Above Gaza Strip

  2. Don't miss this!

  3. The biased-against-Israel ABC thinks Antony Loewenstein is worth interviewing:

  4. That Ken O'Keefe individual and the individual in gaza have got to be taking the piss. "Israel have invaded numerous countries since its creation". What are these cretins on about?

    1. So many of the Israel haters use that line, Tim. They distort history.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Rita, I couldn't publish your other comment (highly defamatory!)


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