Monday, 12 November 2012

Fightback In France Against Fascism (video)

My Franco-Israeli reader Jean alerted me to a so-called "March Contre Le Fascisme Islamiste" that took place on Saturday afternoon (10th November) in Paris.

Chief organiser Christine Tassin explained beforehand:
'"We want this march to be a march of hope and confidence in this country.
We refuse violence and terror, we must be united no matter our political views.
All patriots must be united against fascism of the 21st century that is Islamism.Bring your French flag!
Recent events have shown us in France and elsewhere in the world that Islamism is getting more and more dangerous for our democracies and the free world. Supporters of Islamism hate liberty and freedom, they want to impose us Sharia.
The Benghazi attack, the Criminal jihadist Mohamed Merah, Ilan Halimi [a young Jewish man] tortured for 3 weeks by a gang of barbarians. the Vogel Family Massacre stabbed in their sleep, the killing of Theo Van Gogh by muslim fanatics to name a few remind us that islamo fascism is a daily threat."'
Adds Jean:
This March highlights the threat from the Islamic jihad, and the oppression of Muslim women. Islamo-Fascism Awareness march.
Islamic fanatics operate a fascistic concept of the "pure" and the "exclusive" over the unclean and the kufar or profane. "fascism with an Islamic face"describes the attack on civil society on Sept. 11, 2001.
"It is right for us to be on the offense against Islamo fascism, and not wait until they attack us on our soil. Unlike any war we have ever fought in this nation, this is not a war for soil. It is a war for our soul. We will either win it or we will lose it. This nation must rally to the point where we recognize there is no compromise. There is no alternative. We must win; they must lose. Islam fascism must disappear from the face of the earth, or we will." — Mike Huckabee
"What we have to understand is ... this is not really a war against terrorism, this is not really a war against al Qaeda, this is a war against movements and ideologies that are jihadist, that are Islam fascists, that aim to destroy the Western world." — Clifford May
"Islamic terrorist attacks serve a clear and focused ideology, a set of beliefs and goals that are evil, but not insane. Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others, militant Jihadism; still others, Islamo-fascism. Whatever it's called, this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent, political vision: the establishment, by terrorism and subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom." — George W. Bush
Of the course, the main stream media will ignore this march against Islamo fascism ...
Enmedia is hijacked by the loony left, “la pensée unique “ that is sharia compliant."'

Here's very brief footage of marchers with their tricolor flags:


  1. OT
    You'll find this funny
    George Galloway Tweets for Israel
    Poor George: duped by a passionately philo-Semitic, Zionist blogger into Tweeting support for Israel.

  2. OT
    Daphne can you pass this on to anyone, who can stir up a lot of trouble about this.

    Bob Carr has nominated an anti-Israel campaigner for the ICJ
    Nomination of Professor James Crawford SC to the International Court of Justice

    James Crawford represented “Palestine” at the ICJ in the 2004 security barrier kangaroo court case with former PA FM and head of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, Nasser al-Qudwa

    Israel's wall will kill peace hopes, UN court told

    Now he and some anti-Israel former Dutch politicians, Hans van den Broek and Andreas van Agt, are pushing for an EU boycott.

    EOZ covered the report here:

    The root of his argument from the NGO report is.
    “Crawford further argues that third states’ purchase of agricultural produce from settlements (e.g. through public procurement) would breach their obligation not to aid or assist the ongoing commission of an internationally unlawful act.”

    Complete BS.
    The whole report is very circular NGO’s referencing themselves and they never mention Crawford appearing at the ICJ.

    Some more info.
    British Legal Professor Fuels Boycott Movement
    A British law professor gives a shot in the arm to the European anti-Israel boycott movement's “right” to ban trade from “settlements.

    Crawford's nomination must be stopped.

    1. I have sent it to Michael Danby, Peter Wertheim, and Malcolm Turnbull

      **Everyone** should send it to the ECAJ and their Federal MP and well as Danby

      Just remembered Josh Frydenberg

    2. David Singer?
      If some Legal minds and Jewish groups comment on it, I'm sure Bolt and 2gb would pick up on it, if only to beat up on Carr.

    3. Well Ian, you can do it.

      2GB isn't interested. Andrew Bolt might be. Here's his address.

      David can't and won't do anything I'm sure.Bombard the gutless ECAJ and Federal MPs.

      I cant pass on David's details. Your best bet is to write to Henry Benjamin and ask him to forward the email. Daphne could do it too.

    4. Yes, Boss. I did send Ian's post to some blogger contacts ...

    5. Shirl:
      I’ve sent a number of items to Andrew and even if he doesn’t use the story he always replies. My concern here is this involves some complicated legal issues and would be a difficult story to pitch to him, without local community input or contacts.

      Crawford is actively campaigning against Israel.
      Jewish community leaders should be campaigning against him.

      Parliamentary Briefing: Settlement trade and the law
      Speakers: Professor James Crawford

      Something for the BDS Fail file.

      New Israeli technology for Woolworth checkouts
      Woolworths Limited, Australia’s leading retail group, has signed a five-year System Integration (SI) Services agreement with Israel’s Retalix.
      Under the agreement, Retalix will provide Level 2 and Level 3 support for more than 3,000 Woolworths locations and 25,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals, serving more than 24 million customers every week across Australia and New Zealand.

  3. brave people but so few

    it saddens me

    1. Perhaps a Sunday march would have been preferable, if they are allowed in France.

  4. This thread contains the first, unedited video - a few hours after the march - it's raw:

    At one stage you will see the Jewish representatives, although there were not many, because a) the march was held on the Shabbat, and b) - like so many Jews who still vote for Obama in the US, so many of the French Jews are also "of the Left" and dont want to be seen to side with the "far right" as anyone pro-Israel is labelled now.

    I count the organisers, Christine Tassin and Pierre Cassen as my personal friends. They would have to be among the most courageous and most defamed people in France. Pierre is actually issue of the Trotzkyst tradition. I spent 10 hours with them at the Palais de Justice of Paris (XVIIeme chambre) in January during the court appearance of Pierre (for having written in his blog that the Islamisation of France is very dangerous). They have appealed the judgement which was a suspended prison sentence !!!!! and so much money in fines that their organisations would have to close, which is really the true aim of the accusers.

    I remember this was one of the coldest days of that winter, minus 8 degrees in Paris, we were all wearing bonnets and hats, yet - law abiding citizens of France we obeyed the law which obliged us to take our hats off in front of the tribunal. And you know what? The muslim accusers who had 5 tax payer funded legal representatives were allowed to keep their veils and torchons on their heads - in FRANCE which sooooo prides itself of separation of church and state (Laique).

    As to that march: every possible obstacle was thrown in their way, yet they persisted.

    And indeed the main media boycotted this march (3000 were in it and they came from as far as Holland, Switzerland, Belgium and the provinces) with a dead silence.

    Have you heard the same modus operandi elsewhere? ;)

    1. Thanks, Rita. I did notice other videos on YouTube but decided to give just this taste.


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