Friday, 12 October 2012

The Emergency Committee For Israel Targets Californian Congresswoman Capps

Californian Democrat Lois Capps,  a member of Congress since 1998 and now standing for a sixth term, is one of 66 Democrats endorsed by J Street.  However, the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI) has released the above 30-second TV ad that highlights what it calls
 "her troubling foreign policy record....
 Capps has been consistently hostile to the U.S.-Israel alliance. She has accused Israel of war crimes, befriended the radical Islamic group CAIR, refused to sign bipartisan letters of support for Israel, and supported the libelous Goldstone Report."  
Says Noah Pollak, executive director of the ECI:
"If there is a member of Congress whose foreign policy record is more extreme than Lois Capps's, I can't think of one. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated an inability to distinguish between America's friends and enemies and has repeatedly attacked America's closest ally in the Middle East – Israel."
The ad will air hundreds of times over the coming weeks on cable and broadcast television in Representative Capps's district, which includes Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Luis Obispo counties.


  1. Well done ECI.. that’s the way to do it.. Expose all these anti israel dhimmis so that they don’t get elected under false pretences..

    Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released « Extreme, » a 30-second TV ad (below) that highlights Wisconsin Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin’s troubling foreign policy record.

    Throughout her career in the House of Representatives, Baldwin has been nothing less than hostile to the U.S.-Israel alliance. She has accused Israel of war crimes, befriended anti-Israel groups, refused to sign bipartisan letters of support for Israel, and defended the libelous Goldstone Report.

    ECI’s executive director Noah Pollak said: « Over the past decade, Tammy Baldwin has established a foreign policy record of extremism. Yet now that she’s running for Senate, she’s attempting to obscure that record — in fact, her campaign website doesn’t even include a foreign policy section. Since she doesn’t want to tell the voters where she stands, we will. »

  2. I've just seen the Biden-Ryan performance on TV - Biden came across as an over-smiling villain in a melodrama: sickening.

  3. i call a smiling vilain, hypocrite and nothing else

    shabat shalom from Israel

  4. Always good to see politicians who fling [as Kim would say] allegations of war crimes around while buddying up to Hamas being reminded of it where it hurts when it hurts everywhere.

    I hope it hurts as much as possible

    What would she have done to stop the rockets?

    Politicians who can not plausibly answer that question should not be trusted with important decisions.

    Shouldn't be trusted with the car keys really.

  5. I'm quite sure if Hitler were up for election next month he would receive strong J Street support. After all, Hitler would certainly back those who support his vision of a world without a Jewish state, a safe and secure Jewish homeland and a thriving Jewish people.

    It is interesting that one of the names on the list of 66 is Mr.Michael Capuano from Slumerville, MA. Also known as Somerville, Mr. Capuano's constituency intitiated the first unsuccessful BDS campaign in the US. J Street endorsement for Jew haters masquerading as American Jews and democrats should be the shofar call to make any rational Jew or American vote Republican this year. And if that doesn't do it, then just remember the hillbillies voting on the capitol of Israel at their convention this summer.


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