Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Stephen Fry On "The Hysterical Believings Of A Group Of Desert Tribes" (video)

Well, I never!!!  This apparent antisemitism on the part of a supposed British "national treasure" escaped my purview until now.  Granted, it's very brief and we don't see the full context, but it looks decidedly dodgy.

Here's Anglican-raised halachically Jewish pro-Palestinian campaigner Stephen Fry getting hot under the collar as he loftily tells Ann Widdicombe, the former British Tory Cabinet minister well-known for her Christian beliefs (she's a notable convert to Catholicism) that a certain
 "group of desert tribes have stored up more misery for mankind than any other group of people in the history of the planet, and they're doing it to this day".

Although the seemingly ubiquitous Fry's a bit of a fixture on the BBC, I understand that this programme was on Channel 4.

Hat tip: a poster on BBC Watch who also links to this among other items - see the full post here


  1. As someone who has a twisted view of reality, he really means mozlems; that is a perfect description of islam!

  2. I remember seeing this when it was originally broadcast a couple of years back. He is almost frothing at the mouth - his hatred is visceral. It was also interesting to see his edition of "Who do you think you are?" = a genealogy series where he visited eastern Europe on a quest to find out about his ancestors. He seemed shocked to discover that there was antisemitism in the present day, saying something along the lines of "I don't usually have much time for those who see antisemitism everywhere." He really is a nasty piece of work - very talented - but still a horrible man.

    1. I saw that episode of Who Do You Think You Are, in which he visited his maternal grandfather's town. I once flicked through a biography of Fry in a bookshop and saw a line about his once having considered entering the Anglican priesthood.

    2. Re: the 10 commandments
      "At 17, after leaving Norfolk College of Arts and Technology, Fry absconded with a credit card stolen from a family friend, was arrested in Swindon, and as a result spent three months in Pucklechurch Prison on remand."
      Oh dear

      Here’s the WDYTYA clip
      Stephen Fry on Who Do You Think You Are - (4/6)

      It’s difficult to reconcile Fry’s “performance” there with a letter he signed “not celebrating” Israel’s independence including this line, “As Edward Said emphasised, what the Holocaust is to the Jews, the Naqba is to the Palestinians.”

      Evan Abbas admits his family left expecting to return after an Arab victory But for Fry, a second rate autocue reader, thinks that's equivalent to the Holocaust.

      The text of the letter: Dirty Rotten Hypocrite (linked in the article)

  3. What a putts. As a gay and convicted thief he would be hanging from a crane with his hands cut off in Gaza, West Bank, Iran anyware but good old democratic Israel.

  4. Of course his hatred of the Church and Israel is visceral, both the Tenach and the New Testament condemn certain aspects of his life-style as sinful. He probably does include Islam in his condemnation and for the same reason. He then disguises this with sweeping generalisations that will appeal to those who do not share those aspects of his life-style. He is now a left-wing victim. Sympathy boosts his ego and disagreement strengthens his sense of 'injustice'.

  5. On his high horse here:

  6. There was a minor character in The Finkler Question that Jacobson pretty clearly based on Fry.

    1. Only a minor character? Well, that cuts him down to size! A clever and funny man, maybe, but there are many clever and funny men, and this one is over-lionised, a pain in the tuches. I always reach for the remote when he appears on screen.

  7. Likewise - I can't take him seriously ever again. Much like I can't bear to watch a Mel Gibson movie (although I never took his hammy acting seriously anyway).

    Emma Thompson is another one. Why do people look up to entertainers?

  8. Wow, both the author of this article and the commenters on it are truly retarded.

    Watch the entire segment, not just a 20 second clip DESIGNED to take his quote out of context.

    Stephen Fry isn't actually talking about jews and isn't being anti-Semitic in the slightest... He's talking about the misery brought about by the Catholic Church over the many centuries it has existed.

    1. So the Catholic Church consists of "desert tribes"? Just fancy that!

    2. Try reading MY comment Dibbz. I write about Fry's problem with Israel, the Church and Islam. I could agree with some of what you say about the Roman Catholic Church (some).

      I take it that I am not retarded by your outstanding psychiatric definition?

    3. Dibbz, why does he use the term "desert tribes" when speaking of the Catholic church? Any answer?


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