Monday, 29 October 2012

Some Mistake, Surely? What The BBC Teaches Kids About Islam & War

Hat tip to David Vance of Biased BBC for reminding us of the seemingly tendentious information on the BBC's labyrinthine website that looks at Islam's attitude to war.  I think I alluded to this quite some time ago, but it's as well to note it again.

It's in a part of BBC online called GCSE Bitesize, which purports to helps teenage schoolchildren with revision for their exams (yes, thanks to the extortionate licence fee Britain's "national broadcaster" has money to burn on all sorts of projects that don't exactly fit its broadcasting remit).

Kids are told:
".... The idea of Jihad is often misunderstood by non-Muslims who then see Islam as not being a pacifist religion."
And surely somebody has overlooked the Arabs' attack on Israel in 1948 (for starters) in telling the kids:
"Muslims may fight in self-defence but are forbidden to begin a fight. The aim of fighting is to create a situation where Muslims are free to worship Allah and live in peace.
One aim of Holy War may be to create a democracy where people are free to live their lives without beliefs and politics being imposed on them. There must be no hatred or vengeance in the fighting. As soon as peace is offered, fighting must stop. Once peace has been restored the differences between people must be resolved."
There are sections on the attitudes to war of other religions as well.  The obfuscation appears to apply to one religion only...

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