Friday, 21 September 2012

Pizarro Presents Parramatta Protest On Press TV

More hatred against Max Brenner and "Apartheid Israel" by the usual bizarre alliance, with footage of the Sydney protest against a certain video, described by Press TV's Sydney reporter Daniel Pizarro:

Press TV is, of course, the notorious propaganda arm of the repellent human rights-denying Iranian regime.  It pimps conspiracy theories of an antisemitic kind.  Yet those facts, as we see here, doesn't prevent the western lefties whose aim is to bring Israel down giving interviews to it.

More pictorial views of the BDS protest, which I'm told "bombed," here (hat tip: reader Shirlee)


  1. Counter protest using effigies of hanged children the Iranians are so proud of. Let them stand up and cheer and support that if that's how they feel about it. I dare them.

  2. PressTV had to get the "from the river" chant in. What no gorillas in "6th Pillar" T-Shirts?
    The FB link is unavailable?

    Elder looks at the lies about Veolia BDS, and the fact that secondary and tertiary boycotts were initially never called for.

  3. They claim on their Facebook page thy had 150 people there. I've been to enough of these 'events' to know it was more like around the 100 mark. I am told that by someone I know who was there. The AP says 50, that is wrong

  4. Daphne, if you ever want to talk to me about my work, I'm available.


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