Thursday, 20 September 2012

Ilan Pappé Demonising Israel Down Under (video)

Nearly fifty minutes' worth of footage here, from arguably the doyen (so to speak) of anti-Zionist ex-pat Israelis in non-Israeli universities, for anyone masochistic enough to want to endure it.

I hate giving oxygen to guys like him, but as he's Down Under I thought I should include it for the record.

While on the subject of Jews who bash Israel, Aussie columnist Andrew Bolt has turned his attention to Antony Loewenstein (hat tip: reader Rita) 


  1. He comes across as a bitter and twisted hack, I pity anyone who even takes him seriously.

    A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples by Ilan Pappé
    Reviewed by Efraim Karsh

    And another example

    1. 2 articles on Pappe
      A dreamer of nightmares: Ilan Pappe’s foolish plan to dismantle Israel

      Q & A’s studied insult of the Australian Jewish community

  2. Pappe is a fraud.

    In an interview with Baudouin Loos, he said this:

    Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as we can that our interpretation of the facts is the correct one, and we do it because of ideological reasons, not because we are truthseekers.$99-11-29loos-pappe-interview.htm

    The post-structuralist trend opened the floodgates for nonsense.

  3. Oh, and btw, no, Daphne, I am not nearly so masochistic as to listen to this man yammer his hatred toward the Jewish state of Israel.


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