Friday, 14 September 2012

Don't Vote For Obama!: A Democrat Politician's Urgent Warning To American Jews (video)

"It's a disease; it has to be dealt with," says New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, himself a Democrat, of American Jewry's tendency to vote Democrat and to give priority to domestic issues such as gay marriage despite the grave danger that a second term of the Obama administration poses to Israel.

"I do not trust the President of the United States with regard to the security of the State of Israel," he tells Fox News, warning in impassioned tones that with Israel's very survival in dire peril American Jews should not vote for Obama.

This interview shocked Democrats across America.  For Israel's sake, let's hope it jolts America's Jews into taking Hikind's advice.


  1. And here's more from the great Allen West, interviewed re Obama and the ME on Fox News:

  2. The fact that Dov Hikind is actully on Fox News warning American Jews about the anti-Semite in the White House makes me think it is going to take Judah the Macabee to knock some sense into the American Jews who are unable to see reality despite it biting them in the ass.

    I hope Judah starts with Debbie.

    Shana tova, Daphne. Thanks for your great reporting and may you be inscribed and sealed well.

    1. Shana Tova to you, J, and thanks for reading my blog and for your various comments.

  3. New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind is absolutely right, Obama is unfriendly with israel the only true democracy in the ME and numner one US Ally.

    Hussein Obama must leave the oval office, the sooner the best


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