Sunday, 23 September 2012

Despite The BDS Campaign, Veolia Remains Inviolate (plus video)

One of the key targets of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK (logo: all of Eretz Israel) and the BDS movement is the multinational company Veolia (which specialises in environmental matters such as water and waste management and transport) as this statement from the PSC's Boycott Israel Goods initiative indicates:
"Veolia, a large French multinational, is operating a tramway linking illegal settlements in East Jerusalem with Israel. Not only do the settlements contravene article 49 of the 4th Geneva Convention forbidding an occupier transferring its own civilians into the territory it occupies, but in most cases the establishment of the Israeli settlements involved war crimes too. The tramway tightens Israel’s hold on occupied East Jerusalem, ties the settlements more firmly into Israel and undermines chances of a just peace for the Palestinian people.
In the occupied Jordan Valley Veolia has been supporting illegal settlements by taking their refuse at its Tovlan landfill site. Veolia has now compounded its offence by trying to sell Tovlan to an illegal settlement, whilst maintaining an advisory role.
Veolia also operates bus services connecting illegal Israeli settlements to Israel. Palestinian use of these services is either forbidden or severely restricted.
Veolia must be made to halt these activities which enable Israel to maintain and tighten its grip on the occupation. Until then, we encourage a boycott of Veolia – a firm complicit in the ongoing occupation and dispossession of the Palestinian people." 
Activists are encouraged to lobby local councils and other organisations to boycott and divest from Veolia.

But, despite their crowing to the contrary, their efforts are proving singularly unsuccessful.  For the full details of their campaign and its abject failure see this report from Christian Middle East Watch and UK Lawyers for Israel.  (Hat tip: J. H.)

Here (hat tip: Ian and Shirlee) is an eye-opener ablot building on the West Bank:

Meanwhile, from Socialist Alternative in New South Wales, a small insight into the perverse hard-leftist anti-Israel mindset:
"....Equating the armed might of the state with Muslim protesters bearing placards is ridiculous. Yet furore has engulfed the country over the fact that some of the placards at Saturday’s protest contained clearly reactionary slogans. Some are asking why Socialist Alternative has not at least criticised the demonstration on this basis....
We ask people who consider themselves anti-racist, but who have equivocated on the question of [last] Saturday’s rally to reconsider their position. In particular consider the context: The people demonstrating have seen hundreds of thousands of their brothers and sisters across the Middle East slaughtered by US imperialism and its allies – Israel routinely and loudly celebrates every time it assassinates Palestinian activists. Muslims have endured the war on terror – an ideological offensive that has sought to denigrate their beliefs, belittle their culture, and demonise them as a people....
The Zionists in the 20th century blamed European anti-Semitism on outspoken activist Jews, and today some Australian Aboriginal leaders blame the lack of a work ethic for Aboriginal disadvantage. Their ideas are totally misplaced. The reality is that no matter what Muslims do, the establishment promotes racism against them. The only way to beat it is to fight it, not apologise for it."
 More absurdities (countered by some sensible comments) here


  1. I worked with one of Veolia's New Jersey offices on too many environmental remediation projects to count, back in the early half of the last decade. So I guess that means I'm almost coming up on my 15th anniversary of being an Evil Zionist Oppressor!


    BDS is so over the hill (when even Finkelstein turns on you...), they put the "ailing" in failing.

  2. At last, the BBC reports on the Iranian regime's crackdown on women's university education

    Will the Israel-hating leftists now turn their attention to this Iranian oppression?

  3. You should highlight this paragraph
    "I didn't agree with all of the placards at the rally. But French philosopher Voltaire was on the mark when he said 'I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

    The death of irony

    Tim Blair also fisked the same article.

  4. OT
    Stand with Us
    West Bank Communities, and Peace

    1. Thanks, Ian - I added it on this post - Shirlee alerted me to it as well, so a shared hat tip.


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