Tuesday, 7 August 2012

"This Article Is Gold": Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory On Website Of Press TV

"Beautiful to see an article like this in an international news organization, way to go press TV, beautiful work."

So declares a commenter called Mohammad, on a piece of libellous insane antisemitic trash by "Montea Christo, Freelance Journalist," that appears on the website of the Iranian regime's Press TV.

The article concerns the prominent Australian property developer Frank Lowy.

It can be seen in all its absurdity and ignominy here

Followed by the judeophobic comments it has attracted.

I suppose that as well as being labelled "Antisemitism" it could just as aptly be labelled "Mental Ill-health".

Hat tip: Elder of Ziyon


  1. For the record that article sans silly graphic could have been published in Alternet or Huffington Post.

  2. Press TV has promoted anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and maintains a roster of avowed anti-Semites as commentators.

    the voice of Adolph Amadinejab and brainless Jew haters

    1. At least it doesn't broadcast in the UK any more, having been deprived of its licence to do so.

  3. "Suppressing Press TV is deplorable – Ofcom should restore its licence now"

    Dxiit The Guard iran


    1. Phew! For a second there I thought that was your opinion, Jean! The Guardian - repellent rag.

  4. The information contained in that article, has been taken ALMOST verbatim from Wikipedia

    More disturbing are the comments, which I have added to, but I doubt they will be published.!

    I posted a comment on Australians for Palestine, in which I commented that they do themselves no justice by censuring comments, all the while complaining about the lack of freedom of speech

    I note it hasn't been published! What a surprise!


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