Friday, 31 August 2012

These Shoes Were Made For Selling: Sally Socks It To The Brisbane BDSers (with video)

Remember the footage of the the BSD Walking Tour of Brisbane that I posted recently?  The fixated local Israel-haters who call their group Justice for Palestine kicked off a new campaign by trudging around various retail outlets in the central business district that have the temerity to sell "the products of apartheid [sic] Israel" and demanded that they cease to do so.
As this new footage shows, one of their targets was a shoe shop called Children of the Revolution, and with a name like that one or two at least of the lefty ferals possibly thought that after a quiet word Naot, the Israeli brand stocked, would soon be booted out.

Just look at the bunch of bullies, in this new footage of the group's antics; if you don't want to sit through the entire eight minutes of manic preaching and screeching you'll be relieved to know that Children of the Revolution is their  first port of call:

But the name of the "amazing" shop, one of a pair (the other is in Sydney) is derived from the health-conscious premise that "We’re committed to providing shoes that are good for your body and look great".

As reported here, American-born owner Sally McGregor, with 25 years as a practising podiatrist under her belt, knows a great footwear product when she sees one; after all, the brand in question is well-known for its orthopaedic sole.

 So when the BDSers marched in she stood her ground and refused to be trampled over.

As a result of her stance they occupied her shop until given their marching orders by the Aussie equivalents of Mr Plod, and spent almost three hours outside.

The Israel-hating ferals have vowed to return to her premises every weekend, but the feisty and principled Ms McGregor is standing firm.

"I am really scared that they will return and damage my business but I will not be told what I should or should not stock," she has declared.

Good on yah, Ms McGregor!  As Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) president Danny Lamm  observes:
"It is outrageous that a gang of Justice for Palestine protesters invaded a shop, tried to dictate to the owner what products she may or may not sell, and then bullied the owner with threats of further harassment. These mafia-style tactics have no place in contemporary Australia. The shop owner deserves our admiration and every support for refusing to be stood over."
Indeed.  When we're next in Brisbane or Sydney we must all hotfoot it straight to Children of the Revolution.  (I just hope Ms McGregor stocks my not-too-dainty size.)

And good on  federal parliamentarian Bernie Ripoll, Labor member for the Queensland seat of Oxley, who once again demonstrated his contempt for the BDS movement by stating that the protesters' latest stunt 
 "offended every fibre in my body .... These people are extremists.... The overwhelming majority of Australians who believe in  tolerance and a fair go will no doubt be dubious about the tactics of these extremists."


  1. I suppose it could be argued that "if you've seen one BDS demo you've seen them all" but they never cease to amaze and disgust me.

  2. This story was covered in Times of Israel!

    BTW I got a message yesterday that Google had disabled my account! I think it might be related to those messages being designated "spam", must be some sort of false positive problem at their end. Or maybe because I disabled Java (big problems you can check here:

    So please let me know if anymore messages end up in spam.

    1. I just got an email from Google saying they fixed it.
      It should be ok now.

    2. I will check the Spam, though. I've had other commenters' posts wind up there from time to time, equally inexplicably.

  3. This is great:

  4. The idiots are going further now.

    ********I am contemplating sending a complaint to the Press Council of Australia about the article by Christian Kerr. I will do it on my own behalf not Justice for Palestine. However, if anyone is interested in helping me recall some things of which I am not sure I would be grateful. Things like.

    · I did not think there was anything like 50 people involved?

    · I recall entering the store for just a few minutes with Phil then I remember seeing a police officer beside us near the counter so he must have come in at the same time. I had no dialogue at all with the policeman but I can’t speak for Phil. My recollection was we left of our own accord once Phil had handed the letter to a woman. I had a few words with the woman about the shoes. She started the dialogue by telling me how environmentally friendly the production process was and I asked was it not possible to find an environmentally friendly alternative to Noat.

    · The 3 hours outside will be my main objection. I calculate maximum of 10 minutes outside before entering and no time spent outside afterwards.

    · Justice for Palestine spokesperson did not respond to contact from Australian. Was anyone contacted?

    · Finally the letter demanded the store stop stocking Noat Shoes. Unfortunately I don’t know the contents of the letter but I would be grateful if someone could send them to me*****

    She doesn't even know what's on her own Web site!


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