Monday, 27 August 2012

In Brisbane, Israel-Haters On A "BDS Walking Tour" (video)

Here's the Israel-hating mob of usual suspects, on a so-called BDS walking tour of Brisbane, hectoring shoppers, chanting "Myer Centre you can't hide, you're supporting apartheid" (no wonder a security man was less than polite in giving them their marching orders), and vilifying Israel to the accompaniment of a huge banner bearing a slogan that leaves no doubt that they want Israel eradicated.

Hat tip: reader Shirlee

And while we're on the subject of Aussie Israel-haters, the group Australians For Palestine, those folks duped into believing for propaganda purposes that a modern map (showing nations born in the 20th century as well as the modern name for Persia) dates to 1700, have blundered again.  In adding slides to a video containing the keynote speech at the recent BDS Conference in Byron Bay, they've included this Mizrachi refugee from an Arab land among the "Palestinian Refugees".

 As the old saying goes, "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing"...


  1. It's not a little knowledge, it's 'no knowledge'
    I was completely flawed by some of Phil Monsour's commentary. Half the time he wasn't sure what he was saying himself.

    The water issue bugs me more than anything. This notion that Israel cuts of the water supply to Judea and Samaria is quite wrong.

    When Khaled Abu Toameh was here last year from Israel, I heard him speak at the University of Sydney .

    At the conclusion he was asked a question about the water supply by an Arab girl from the fictitious country of Palestine. He explained to her that Israel doesn't cut the water off. It's the fault of Jordan.

    When the area was under Jordanian control they did nothing at all with any infrastructure, consequently when the water table drops, so does the water supply and Israel is trying to do work on the system.

    For those who have no idea who Khaled Abu Toameh is, he's an Arab Israeli Journalist, who lives in Jerusalem.

    He is quite funny when he hears comments about Israel being the 'Apartheid State' He says "Where's the apartheid? I am an Israeli/Muslim/Arab. I live in a Jewish neighbourhood in Jerusalem, my children attend school with Jewish children, I work for an Israeli company. Where's the apartheid?"

    He writes for the Jerusalem Post and the Gatestone Institute

    1. Thanks for that, Shirlee - great points.

    2. This is a round table discussion in Ramallah that aired on Al Jazeera. It focuses largely on disgruntlement with the PA leadership.

    3. Thanks for the link. I'll watch it later


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