Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Arafat Was Poisoned "And We All Know By Whom": Nobel Laureate (video)

Here's flotilla alumna and Russell Tribunal member Mairead Maguire, addressing a meeting of Irish Israel-bashers at which Haneen Zoabi MK was guest of honour.  "There are so many myths around Palestine and Israel," Ms Maguire says, going on to perpetrate a few of them.

So we hear the usual misconceptions and distortions of historical and political facts: that until the Zionists arrived there was a "Palestinian People" who "had their freedom" ... a wink, wink assertion about the "murdered" Arafat ... and that most of the Palestinians in Israeli gaols are latter day Gandhis ...  We hear a comparison between the Shoah and the Nakhba ... a claim that "Israel controls America's policies" ... the canard that "Israel doesn't want peace" ... and a call for Israel to be thrown out of the United Nations...

As for the comparison between the Troubles in Northern Ireland and the situation in Israel/Palestine (another video shows Haneen Zoabi being taken on a pilgrimage to the grave of Bobby Sands), the reality is that the IRA was not trying to take over the entire United Kingdom, and that, when all is said and done, there is still a Northern Ireland and it's British.

Many people would argue that the Palestinian Arabs do have a state – Jordan, whose whole territory once constituted 70 per cent of the League of Nations British Mandate of Palestine –  and they'd argue that the crux of the conflict is: will the Arabs who dwell in Eretz Israel ever choose peace with the peace-ready Jewish State?

For a video on a different albeit related topic, that of a possible Israeli strike on Iran, featuring an interview with Mark Regev, click here and for Regev's comments on that alleged poisoning see here


  1. An update to this story
    "This Programme Is Sponsored By Auckland City Council" & "To Bring Down The Israeli State"(videos)

    Auckland Council replied to my email!

    Hi Ian,
    Thanks so much for taking the time to pass this onto us. We will report to YouTube and ask them to take it down.
    All our official videos are on our Auckland Council account should you ever be looking for them.
    Thanks again
    Kate Ferriman
    Senior advisor internet and new media
    Brand and Channel Communications

    You should update your story.
    I’m going to follow up, pointing out that other videos on that channel have the same footage also Syed Akbar Kamal is some crackpot “journalist” working in NZ.

    Also Uniting Church

  2. Thanks, Ian - I'll update it as soon as I can...

    1. As usual the supposed pro-pals have shot themselves in the foot and been caught out lying. All for a video that had 100 hits when I saw it.

  3. More iniquity:

    1. Kulhood Badawi produced the OCHA funded anti-security barrier video with "what's his name" formerly of Pink Floyd. That's all they do now, apparently they're incompetent at co-coordinating aid, a lot of aid agencies complained about them.

  4. Mairead Corrigan Maguire is a jewish hater activist
    she loves cruising with peaceful islamo fascists

    she deplores islamophobia but has no problem with terror against civilians and judeophobia

    Does she seriously equate the "Palestinian" jihad culture of hatred and death with Israeli culture?

    Mairead Corrigan Maguire has nothing to say about how about the butcher of damas and the 12,000 syrians massacred
    she has nothing to say about how about 565 civilians were killed in Iraq in jihad attacks
    during the just-concluded "sacred month of Ramadan."
    sHe has nothing to say about the murderous, Jew-killing Muslims
    in Bulgaria who said that "Ramadan is a month of holy war and death for Allah.

    1. I'd be wary of calling Ms Maguire a Jew-hater; I'm sure she's a compassionate, very nice lady; she's a well-meaning peacenik who has been persuaded to jump on the bandwagon of the pro-Palestinian movement, with all that it entails.

  5. well-meaning peacenik such as Dalladier & Chamberlain who refused the war to have a so-called peace. .... those stupids " pacifists " were too much blind and cowards.


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