Saturday, 7 July 2012

Springtime For Hamas?

In a new article the distinguished Israeli Arab journalist Khaled Abu Toameh warns of the likelihood of a takeover by Hamas in the West Bank, owing to disillusionment on the part of the young there with the PA's leadership.

He writes, in part:
'In the absence of a credible and organized Palestinian opposition in the West Bank, Hamas will most likely hijack the "Palestinian Spring," paving the way for Hamas to seize control over the West Bank.
After the recent wave of protests and clashes with Palestinian Authority policemen in the West Bank, the Palestinians are asking if the "Arab Spring" might be finally knocking on their door....
Many Palestinians feel that under Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority has joined the club of corrupt Arab dictatorships that suppress the opposition and crack down on freedom of speech....
In March last year, thousands of Palestinians, inspired by the "Arab Spring," launched their own protests in the West Bank to demand reforms, democracy and regime change. But the Palestinian revolt was short-lived.
Abbas's security forces, backed by Fatah thugs, attacked the young men and women who were protesting in the center of Ramallah, torching their tents and beating them with clubs and rifle butts.
But now the Palestinian youth groups appear to have reorganized themselves and are preparing for another wave of protests in the West Bank. In recent days, the protesters have even begun chanting the same slogans that Egyptians used against Hosni Mubarak and the Supreme Council of the Egyptian Armed Forces....
The only way this outcome might possibly be avoided is if International community immediately demands reforms from Abbas: the end to corruption, and the end to repression of free speech.'
Read the entire article here

Meanwhile, in Cairo the Kiwi quartet representing Kia Ora Gaza interviewed "siege buster" Zaher Birawi concerning "a new style of convoy," future tactics and the role of western Israel-bashing activists; the videos can be seen here and here

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