Monday, 23 July 2012

Found On Facebook


  1. Hi Daphne, it was recommended that I follow your blog. The only reservation I have is that I am reluctant to provide amunition to our enemies - your article (?) above on "Why doesn't the media mention etc" is misleading (the link is broken) I assume that it is an article from One Muslim Ummah? I have heard Stephen Sizer talk and he is an anti-Jewish racist even as he uses his dog collar as professional accreditation. I also write as thebilateralist (not the American-Canadian one)!

    1. Thank you - sorry for the tardiness in posting these comments.
      I'm not sure which article of mine you mean - I'll have to scroll back when I have time.
      The Facebook page was sent to me by someone who c&p'd it but disabled the links. It is from that Muslim site and has a number of comments from Muslims, one of whom, to his credit, points out that it is rubbish and tells others not to share it.
      I am surprised that the Rev Sizer has commented on there: I assume he is trying to point out the absurdity of the conspiracy theory, but I wish that he had condemned it outright.
      As you probably know, the Crown Prosecution Service recently dismissed a claim brought by the Council of Christians & Jews alleging antisemitism on his part.

    2. I shall link to your blog.

    3. Stephen Sizer is crafty and does not get caught but the comment above "It would help to have the names and dates" would indicate support for the proposition that these mass murderers are Jewish - which they are not! Also - the question "why does the media want you to think they are white?" implies that to be Jewish you cannot be white - which is of course a racist statement. It is also the game played by Arab/Islamic bigots when one side says that Jews are a race while the other side states Jews are a religion and not a race - both sides then cover the idea from different vantage points that people who follow the Jewish faith cannot have any claim on 'the Holy Land'.

    4. It is liable to be construed that way - or as "let's have the names and dates so that we can assess the truth of that statement for ourselves".

  2. Always worth reposting:
    Stephen Sizer talks with World Vision’s Tom Getman (Apr 27, 2009)
    He brags about manipulating Obama and openly mocks Judaism. With views like that is it any wonder World Vision agrees to name soccer stadiums after terrorists.

    A Suggestion for Israel’s Olympic Delegation: Stop Marching for One Minute

    Elder gets a Wikipedia entry!

  3. Of course the irony is that none of the people pictured are Jewish, but Jared Loughner’s intended victim, Gabrielle Giffords is Jewish. Notice how James Holmes working at a “Jewish” camp is widely reported but not the fact he was raised Presbyterian! If Jews run the media they're doing a terrible job.

    Yet more incitement turned up by google.

    1. Excellent points, Ian!

      Thanks for the link.


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