Thursday, 12 July 2012

"D'You Wear A Swastika?": Our Old Friend In A Fix (video)

Here's our old friend from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign demonstrating, this time not in Dublin but in London, against the Steinmetz "Blood Diamond" on display in the Tower of London.

Just after our old friend, hardly the picture of sartorial elegance equal to the occasion, enters the splendid foyer of De Beers to attempt to deliver a letter demanding that the diamond be removed from the Tower, he's confronted outside by a clearly irate supporter of the Zionist Entity.

This black-clad supporter, as beefy as our old friend is lean, raises the subject of the massacre of Israelis, to which he receives the dismissive response "Israelis are war criminals ...".

For all his apparent loquacity, our old friend seems decidedly reluctant to engage with this guy, who tells him "You're a disgrace, and evil" and a few other things besides.

Our old friend and his pals are soon yelling in stentorian tones outside De Beers, and purporting to speak in the name of the "People of England".  Before that, holding placards in Arabic as well as in English, they seem to have made friends with a lady in a hijab as well as with a group of Moroccan passers-by.  The video ends with footage of their huge Israel-demonising banner unfurled by the Statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus.


  1. OT
    Some articles you might be interested in:

    Israel furious at UNESCO decision to back science chair at Islamic University of Gaza
    Move represents endorsement of university, which trains Hamas engineers and bomb makers, Israeli officials say.

    France Penalizes Boycott of Israeli Products

    The failures of the Israel boycotters
    The various campaigns by British BDS groups have been noisy and sometimes messy, but in practical terms, they have been a complete failure

    1. Thanks, Ian. I will look at those as soon as I can.


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