Saturday, 21 July 2012

Doing Yeoman Service For The Statesman: Four Familiar Israel-Demonising Maps

The leftwing British New Statesman, in a recent "Chart Of The Day: Land and Freedom" by staff writer Alex Hern, reproduces something very similar (albeit in a different colour scheme) to these four familiar maps beloved of Israel-demonising propagandists everywhere, and poses the question:

(The New Statesman's recent leader regarding Two States is here)

1 comment:

  1. Re: Lozowick article
    The last paragraph in an otherwise great article came off as a cheap shot. Especially considering Australia, Canada, the US and Germany, are the only countries to pass resolutions calling for a minutes silence for the Munich Massacre.
    I view the post-colonial guilt industry as being driven purely by ideology rather than nationality or cultural background.


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