Thursday, 26 July 2012

Canadian Circus Faces BDS Blast, But Jordanian Defends Its Right To Perform

Canadian entertainment company Cirque du Soleil, which performed in Jordan in June, is due to perform in Tel Aviv in August.  The usual suspects are up in arms concerning the visit, and the circus has received an open letter from Montreal-based collective Tadamon ("Solidarity" in Arabic):
 "In order to stay true to its stated principles, Cirque du Soleil must recognize that performing in Israel today disrespects the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott of Israel that aims at ending Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights.
A number of organisations and individuals have also expressed concerns regarding the Cirque de Soleil's plans. The Palestinian Circus School sent a letter to the general management of Cirque du Soleil calling on it not to perform in Israel...."
During its tour of Jordan, much indignation was apparent regarding the circus's forthcoming visit to Israel. 
Yet Abdul-Wahab Kayyali, a senior associate at a Jordanian business intelligence magazine, is quoted as as making this wise and noble statement:
"Good cultural products have a human quality, appealing to all races, genders and nationalities. Culture is exceptional at exhibiting heterogeneity and displaying it. In reality, politics shouldn’t factor into which shows Friends of Jordan Festival brings to Amman … Seeing it as the fault of Cirque du Soleil is not the right paradigm."
 Read (and see) more here

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