Wednesday, 27 June 2012

"A Torrent Of Incitement Against [Israel]": Three-Day Paris UN Hate-Fest Protested

Dr Shimon Samuels,the Simon Wiesenthal Centres's Director for International Relations, has written to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon regarding a just-ended three-day hate-fest at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris, the UN International Meeting on the 'Question of Palestine' subtitled  "The Role of Youth and Women in the Peaceful Resolution of the Question of Palestine".

"We heard tributes to the 'Intifada' and 'the martyrs'. Calls for a 'Third Intifada mobilized electronically in the Facebook image of the Arab Spring', and appeals for global 'BDS' (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against Israel," wrotes Dr Samuels of the proceedings, in which Abdou Salam Diallo, Chairman of the UN Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) made the menacing statement
 "one drop of water on a rock does nothing; continual dripping destroys the rock"
It was not lost on Dr Samuels that this phrase echoes Ayatollah Khomeiny:
"If every follower would drop one spoon of water on Israel, it would drown in the torrent" 
 "These three days were a torrent of incitement to hate against a sovereign member of the United Nations," notes Dr Samuels.
"We heard tributes to the 'Intifada' and 'the martyrs'. Calls for a 'Third Intifada mobilized electronically in the Facebook image of the Arab Spring', and appeals for global 'BDS' (boycott, divestment and sanctions) against Israel....
The Paris meeting begs a question intrinsic to the United Nations: Among the member-states of the organizing committee, among the UN officials involved, among the invited speakers and NGO's, are there those who - apart from targetting Israel - also devote equal time to condemning the terrorism of Hamas and Hizbollah, the violation of women and homophobia across the region, the massacres in Syria, the nuclear designs of Iran or the Turkish occupation of parts of Cyprus and Kurdistan?
If the answer is negative, their obsessive-compulsive fixation upon Israel exposes their vested interest in the perpetuation of the conflict."
Arguing that
"The United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) - in empowering these peace rejectionists - is ipso facto a threat to world peace and should be disbanded"
Dr Samuels, on behalf of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, has requested Ban Ki-Moon to
"Condemn the Paris meeting and launch an investigation into the CEIRPP's activities in violation of the UN Charter."
For the full report see here


  1. Why has no-one started yet proceedings to not only disband the UN and their roaming sub-packs but also to indict them for continued and increasing incitement to violence and genocide? Or is it okay if one indulges in those criminal activities if the victims are Israel and the Jewish people?

  2. The UN is self perpetuating. There is a story that the Empress Catherine of Russia ordered a soldier to stand guard over the first flower she saw peeping through the snow one spring and 50 years after her death a soldier still stood guard at that spot. UN committees are like that. Once established it is hard or even impossible to remove them and their international band of salaried bureaucrats, even after the circumstances leading to establishment of these bodies has changed.

    I suspect the answer is more oblique. UN fees are based on the economic realities of the 1950s not today. So America is billed an exorbitant 22% of regular budget while China pays an unbelievably low 2%. Saudi Arabia, so often instigator of anti Israel proposals pays a massive 0.830%.

    If the fee structure were to be updated for today's realities and countries had actually to pay for the nonsense the UN comes up with there would be a reassessment of priorities.

    1. "...Saudi Arabia, so often instigator of anti Israel proposals pays a massive 0.830%..."

      I am surprised that the UN do not PAY islamic countries for helping them spreading the Jew hatred.


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