Friday, 29 June 2012

Israel-Haters Rant Against The Queen's Steinmetz Diamond (videos)

Here are some of our familiar friends from the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign, demonstrating in Dublin this month against "Israeli Blood Diamonds"  – more specifically against the Steinmetz diamond De Beers presented to Queen Elizabeth II during this, her Diamond Jubilee Year.

 In the course of the demo a pro-Israel foursome passes by, and – as in this memorable incident involving Jewish tourists –  take issue with the demonisers, who are challenged regarding the selectivity/hypocrisy of BDSers in continuing to use Israeli computer chips.

We catch part of the action as the elderly pro-Israel man tells the demonisers "You don't know what you're talking about," before he and his wife continue their stroll.  Their departure prompts a short discussion between a trio of demonisers ...

And tourists visiting the Tower of London on Sunday had their tranquility rudely interrupted by a  band of Israel-haters screeching about "Israeli genocide"and screaming demands that the Queen return the "Steinmetz blood diamond" on display at the Tower.

Most of the tourists amble past the demonisers, with scarcely a bemused glance in their direction.

The uploader of this video onto YouTube is a veteran of the anti-Ahava demos in London's Covent Garden.


  1. What never fails to amaze me, Daphne, is how these BDS types can never seem to recognize the gross hypocrisy of their position.

    That is, they claim to stand for universal human rights, yet almost always ignore far, far worse atrocities than anything that Israel has ever done.

    The Congo? The last figure that I heard was 5.5 million dead.

    Helloooo? Is there anybody home?

    It's just so sickening and, given our history, so unjust.

    1. Indeed,Mike. In Australia recently a Salvation Army officer remarked that gays deserved the death penalty. On Facebook, Israel-demonising leftists outdid themselves condemning him in posts on each other's walls. The fact that some of their mates in the ME advocate the exact same thing appeared totally lost on them!

  2. I have reported this BDS video as "inciting hatred and violence against the Jewish people". (There is a facility to do this on the U-Tube link). I dont know how much this helps, but it would probably have a better chance if everyone who reads this (EXCELLENT) blog does the same, and does so each time they come across one of those hate-videos.

    1. Which video, Rita?
      There are far worse on the internet.

  3. Are you paid up hasbarists? Are you denying the bombing of Gaza, its medieval siege, and the military occupation of what is Palestinian Territory as established by the UN "Partition"?
    Those who criticise Israel are not anti-Semites; the Palestinians are a Semite people and those Jewish migrating to Israel under a biased "Law of Return are from European descent.
    You defend the indefensible: the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and continuing violence for the sake of the existence of a Jewish-only state; and now this game is totally exposed...

    1. What do you mean by "paid-up", Franzi? If you want to know whether I'm in the pay of the Zionist Entity, the answer is that I am not.
      And what do you mean "of European descent"?

    2. I meant that they are mostly descendant of those tribal Khazars from central Europe who converted en masse to Judaism around the 13th century, and who ended up living in Central, Western Europe, and USA. I've been to Palestine a few years, and I've seen all the structures and measures of the violent occupation put in place such the WALL, CHECKPOINTS, exclusive differentiated IDs for Palestinians; and I read a couple of well researched books about what the creation of the Israel as a Jewish-only state meant for the Palestinians

    3. Yes the terrible wall, that stoped hate filled pawns from massacring innocent civilians.

      What country doesn’t differentiate between citizens and non-citizens? WB’ers were Jordanians and Gazans were Egyptians, if they don’t have any citizenship it’s due to those countries denying it too them.

      Franzi is a text book example of the Dunning–Kruger effect
      “The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.”

      Maybe he should work for PressTV?

  4. Franzi, that is what I suspected you meant. It is a canard spread by antisemites and others who seek to delegitimise the Jews' right to Eretz Israel. A fraction of Khazars did embrace Judaism. But that is incidental to the main picture. You forget, incidentally, that half the Israeli population are Sephardi and Mizrachi Jews. One of the best in-a-nutshell refutations of the Khazar canard appears online in, of all things, a "Yahoo answer". I stumbled across it the other day, and was impressed by the erudition of the person who wrote it, and the breadth of her arguments. It is worth reading.

    1. I doubt franzi is swayed by reason or facts. He’s so brainwashed that he repeatedly refers Israel as a “Jewish-only” state.

      Ignoring the 20%+ Arab population.
      Ignoring the fact that it’s the only country in the ME with a growing Christian population.
      Ignoring the fact that it’s the only country from Morocco to Iran that welcomes Baha’i.

    2. OT
      Africans for Israel Pretoria Peaceful Protest March

      Zulus and Christians rally for Israel - in South Africa

  5. I would have dumped a few water bottles on them.

  6. At 3.28 the bald one reveals his antisemitic credentials by speaking of ' their choseness ' but as if those words had come from the man he had just engaged with which of course they did not . The words were in his head . Most of the bds scumbags use hatred of Israel to mask and then facilitate their real agenda which is Jew hatred .


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