Wednesday, 20 June 2012

A French Intellectual On The War Against the Jews Of France

Staunchly pro-Israel French economist Guy Millière (pictured) has written an incisive commentary on anti-Jewish hate crime in France, where, as elsewhere, political correctness bedevils the narrative and politicians court the larger Muslim community:

'Almost no one dare associate the words "Muslim" and "anti-Semite" in France anymore, and those who still do are immediately accused of "Islamophobia" and charged. A law that bears the name of a communist politician the "Gayssot law" –  states that any criticism of a religion is a form of discrimination, and criticism of Islam is generally considered to be much worse than discrimination against anything else.

When Muslim anti-Semites, knowing the demonization of Israel that reigns in the country, say they hate Jews because of what Israeli Jews do to "Palestinians," many journalists and "intellectuals" consider that excuse a mitigating circumstance, without even bothering to consider what the Palestinian leadership does to Palestinians
–  such as stealing the funds sent to the Palestinian people by gullible Americans and Europeans, throwing Palestinian journalists and any other outspoken citizen in jail wholesale, teaching toddlers to be terrorists, and effectively rejecting all rule of law. And this is the leadership that would like its own state?

When Jewish schools had to be protected before the killings in Toulouse, those killings showed that security measures in place were not sufficient. Jewish shops and restaurants receive daily threats. Every week, windows are smashed or covered with insulting graffiti. Jewish radio stations dare not display their name on their studio doors. Jewish kids are spat upon in the streets.

French Jews feel very isolated and very vulnerable. They now know that simple things can be dangerous: wearing a skullcap in the street, going to the synagogue alone, placing a mezuzah on a door frame.

400,000 Jews live in France today, and the number is decreasing. Two thousand Jews leave the country every year; those who do not leave now know they have no future in France.

Six million Muslims live in France today, and their number is increasing. In addition to the risk of riots, the existence of no-go zones and the omnipresence of political correctness, politicians, left and right, know whom they must seduce, flatter, or appease to be elected.

Read the rest here

1 comment:

  1. The author says that there are 400,000 Jews in France and that there are 6 million Muslims. This is supposed to explain things. But how many millions of non-Muslims are there in France? This is where the buck stops. This is the party that should shoulder the blame for the sad state of affairs. Don't let them off the hook. This is a French failure.


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