Tuesday, 12 June 2012

"The Absolutely Most Dangerous Thing Is The Jews": Arab Antisemite To Lecture At An Aussie University

Monash University in Melbourne is named in honour of a Jew, Melbourne-born Sir John Monash (pictured), the great civil engineer and general who commanded the Australian Expeditionary Forces during the First World War.

Later this month, the eloquent Dr Tariq Al-Suwaidan, Kuwaiti representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, will be speaking on campus.

Recently, during an interview with the Hamas-affiliated Al-Quds TV station, he said :

"I can change the positions of some Westerners, but at the end of the day, power lies with the politicians, who are influenced by two things only: money and the media, both of which are controlled by the Jews.
So we must not rely on Western aid or on Western popular sympathy. These are minor things. We rely upon Allah and then upon our armed resistance in obtaining our rights.... 
The most dangerous thing facing the Muslims is not the (Arab) dictatorships. The absolutely most dangerous thing is the Jews. They are the greatest enemy.”
For further details see here where there's a video of Dr Al-Suwaidan giving, on his last visit to Australia, a very long triumphalist historically-oriented talk about Islamic civilisation and conquest of the Kufars to an audience of "Brothers and Sisters", in which he declares (I did not listen to it all) that
"the Jews .... were traitors, conspirers against the Prophet continuously. Never forget that...."
 Hat tip: reader Ian


  1. You need to get a hundred people to attend with air horns.

  2. I have spoken with PW at the ECAJ and the matter has been in hand since it came to light last week.

    Rest assured if anything can be done it will be.

  3. He needs to be denounced in the strongest possible terms and the university must be made to understand that they are providing a venue for the contemporary Middle Eastern version of genocidal fascism.

    Thanks for this one, Daphne.

  4. Is the Australian Jewish press covering this?

    1. It appears they finally are.
      AJN Community Concerns Over Arab Speaker


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