Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Disruption To Habima's Performance At The Globe Theatre (updated; videos)

Habima's scheduled performance at The Globe went ahead as scheduled, despite calls from Miriam Margolyes (see my previous post) and other thespians for it to be cancelled.

 Here's footage of the usual suspects demonstrating and of the disruption (the first video is mostly audio only) of the disruption to the debut on Monday night:

Read more here

Update:See the Beeb's Will Gompertz's account here and Richard Millett's account here


  1. Richard Millett has 2 articles about this

    Habima’s Merchant of Venice rocks London’s Globe Theatre
    “I asked some of the PSC lot whether they saw the recent production of Richard II by the Palestinian theatre company also at The Globe. They said they didn’t as it was a matinee and they had work commitments. They must have conveniently failed to spot the Saturday performance at 7.30pm then; proof, if ever it was needed, that PSC activists don’t give a damn about the Palestinians.”

    Desperate anti-Israel boycotters at it again in the UK. Remind you of anything? By Richard Millett and Nick Gray
    In London, they're after Israel’s national theatre company Habima... which actively promotes Israeli-Palestinian dialogue and co-operation.

    1. Thanks, Ian. I guessed Richard would be there!

  2. The bds protest was as big a fail as Habimah was a success .
    By various means the hard core fanatics were excluded , and as anticipated they bussed in ' non celebs ' . The problem with this is that for the most part they consisted of little Englanders , the middle class shire types who suffered from stage fright when their turn came . Mainly late middle age ladies who had probably done their share at Greenham Common in the 70s , they simply lacked the zealotry of their leaders .
    Security was robust , and no sooner was a flag or banner raised , security pounced , ripped the offending article away and without ceremony expelled the protestor .
    Three women standing next to me gave themselves away with nervous body language which enabled me to report my suspicions to security .
    Sure enough they began to go into action , but the one with the concealed flag could not fully extract it from under her dress before she was seized and ejected from the theatre . Her friends went relatively quietly .
    I literally bumped into Greenstein as he was attempting to sneak in during the interval . Having been identified , he literally went berserk . He barged past me but was set upon by three burly security men and handed over to the police for questioning . All the while he had this bizarre grin . Maybe he was on medication . No doubt he was ruing his missed opportunity to disrupt .
    A truly ugly and wretched individual
    Second night was an even bigger bds fail if that was possible .
    Habimah were great and both nights received 5 min standing ovations .
    Well done to all involved in security and spotting the gutter snipes that comprise the bds and their associate fascists and racists in the psc

    1. I appreciate your firsthand account, Harvey. Thanks.


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