Friday, 6 April 2012

Michelle Marks A Milestone: Justice For The Refugees

"Justice for Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries has at long last become official Israeli government policy," writes Michelle  Huberman, Creative Director of Harif, the the UK Association of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa.
 'It has taken more than sixty years, but here at Harif ... we are celebrating this momentous event.
 No amount of grassroots campaigning could work without the official support of the Israeli government. And this week, that support came.
 On Tuesday, the deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon held a conference in Jerusalem to launch his ministry's report and recommendations for highlighting the issue of 870,000 Jewish refugees driven out of Arab countries.
 Israel's Jewish population is made up of 52%  Sephardim/Mizrahim who were forced to leave their homes and possessions in Muslim lands. Not not only have they never received compensation, but their plight has never been internationally recognised.
 Hitherto, the Israeli government has been hesitant to raise the Jewish refugee issue, for fear that the Arabs would raise the Palestinian refugee issue. But the Arabs have never ceased raising the Palestinian refugee issue while the Israeli government has been silent.
 "I would call this conference Yemoth Ha-Mashiah (The Days of the Messiah Coming)," Levana Zamir, president of the Jews from Egypt in Israel, told me after attending the conference.  At this very emotional event, Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon announced a new state policy regarding Jews who were forced to flee from their homes in Arab countries.
 "We have to correct a historic injustice. But, in a very pragmatic way," Ayalon told the audience.... '
 Read the rest of Michelle Huberman's article here

1 comment:

  1. Chag Pesuch sameach, good shabbos , good yom tov

    Hallelujah !! About time. I've been pushing this issue like mad for a while now.

    I have been pushing a documentary produced by the David Project in the US. It's called the "FORGOTTEN REFUGEES" It has received world acclaim and a swag of awards.

    Please be active in showing the DVD. If you have a group or an organisation the David Project will supply it at no cost, in order for it to be shown.The David project can be found on a simple search.

    The DVD is on Youtube ..Parts 1 to 5


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