Monday, 30 April 2012

"London[istan]'s Better Off With Ken"

The London mayoral election's on 3rd May and the indications are that the present incumbent, buffoonish Conservative Boris Johnson, is set to finish well ahead of Labour rival "Red Ken" Livingstone.  Let's hope so.

Despite Red Ken's well-known antipathy to Israel, and eyebrow-raising comments regarding Jews, he's found a Man in Black to endorse him on this election video, labelled "London's better off with Ken":

Life peer Lord Winston succinctly appraises Ken:

This video (hat tip: Michelle) of Ken, who vowed recently to make London "a beacon of Islam", addressing an audience of Palestine Solidarity Campaign supporters in Tower Hamlets (a slice of Londonistan if ever there was one) is being hawked around Israel-demonising circles in the capital, and provides a further reminder as to why Ken (see George Galloway on him and the Muslim vote here) should be rejected at the ballot box.


  1. Perhaps Red Ken can make London into an Islamic Autonomous Region in the UK. I'm sure expelling all infidels from London and installing sharia as THE law will appease them and everything will work out fine.

  2. Lord Alan Sugar a LABOUR peer says nobody should vote for Livingstone.

  3. I hope Boris wins as well but not as much as this guy does:
    Boris Johnson Tattoo Is 'Mad' But Will Help With Girls, Says Lewis Jolly
    “What's worse than getting drunk and tattooing yourself with the name of your first love or a Chinese proverb? Being sober and tattooing your leg with a huge picture of Boris Johnson.”

  4. Thanks for the comments.
    Steve, I saw that on Sky News. Sound advice from his lordship!


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