Friday, 27 April 2012

"I Am A Zionist And I'm Proud": A British Former Radical Islamist Stands With Israel

If you have not yet discovered British Muslim Kasim Hafeez's moving and illuminative article, in which he outlines his personal odyssey from radical Islamist, antisemite, and well-indoctrinated loather of "the Zionist Entity" to active supporter of Israel, you really must read what he has to say.

This is what, inter alia, this courageous man writes, of a visit he made to Israel:

"I did not encounter an apartheid racist state, but rather, quite the opposite. I was confronted by synagogues, mosques and churches, by Jews and Arabs living together, by minorities playing huge parts in all areas of Israeli life, from the military to the judiciary. It was shocking and eye-opening. This wasn't the evil Zionist Israel that I had been told about."

 He continues:

"After much soul searching, I knew what I had once believed was wrong. I had been confronted with the truth and had to accept it. But I had a bigger question to confront, what now? I’d for years campaigned against Israel, but now I knew the truth.

The choice was obvious: I had to stand with Israel, with this tiny nation, free, democratic, making huge strides in medicine, research and development, yet the victim of the same lies and hatred that nearly consumed me.  Doing this is not easy and that’s something that has become very obvious. I have faced hostility from my own community and even some within the Jewish community in the UK, but that’s the reality of standing up for Israel in Europe today. It is not easy, and that’s what makes it so necessary.  This isn’t about religion and politics; it’s about the truth.  When it comes to Israel, the truth is not being heard, the ranks of those filed with blind hatred continue to swell, yet many have not been exposed to the reality, away from the empty rhetoric and politically charged slogans they are so fond of.  We can change this situation but we need to be strong and united. Israel is not just a Jewish issue - it’s about freedom, human rights and democracy, all the values that Western nations cherish. It’s also about trying to be a light among nations.

Israel’s international humanitarian aid work speaks for itself, but if we don’t get the message out there, no one will. We don’t have to be head-bowed apologists leading with :Israel’s not perfect…  we should never be afraid to say: I am a Zionist and I’m proud. I stand with Israel. Now I ask, will you do that?...."

Read all of Kasim Hafeez's article here
He runs this pro-Israel site 


  1. Is he saying there is no expansion of exclusive settlements, roads and check points in the West Bank ? That the separation barrier is not built inside the West Bank ? That Palestinian houses and farms are not being demolished, that Israeli settlers are not terrorising Palestinians ?

  2. I think you have completely missed the point there, anon.


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