Sunday, 15 April 2012

As A Flytilla (Floptilla?) Prepares For Take-Off, Al Beeb Airs Anti-Israel Propaganda (videos, with updates)

It looks like tomorrow's Flytilla might well be what has already been dubbed a Floptilla (Hat tip for the latter link: reader Shirlee).

Press TV's London-based Amina Taylor reports on the situation:

Oh, and I wonder whether it is pure coincidence that in this lead-up to the latest Flytilla stunt Al Beeb chose as the guest on Meet The Author former Middle East hostage John McCarthy (author of You Can't Hide The Sun) to talk to a mainly compliant Nick Higham about how bad Arabs have had it in Israel ever since 1948, an interview that first aired on Thursday, I think, and has been repeated both days this weekend, before news bulletins.  Unadulterated,  unchallenged anti-Israel propaganda, for the most part.

Update: As for the flytilla, see the Israeli Government's wonderfully pertinent letter of welcome to participants here (Hat tip: reader Rita)

This rabble at Brussels airport need to read and heed it:

Hat tip: Shirlee again

And see this

Also this

More video clips (the first shows a Swansea-based anti-Israel activist who's been seen on this blog before carrying out publicity stunts of various sorts; the second shows the scene at Tel Aviv):


  1. I'm at odds trying to work out what it's all about, to be quite honest with you.

  2. They were prevented from boarding flights in Manchester and Luton . For good measure we took note of their demonstrations planned in lieu of their failure to fly and informed the police so as to cut out that potential for some sort of propaganda victory . Organizations such as Stand by Us of which I'm proud to belong represent the new face of pro active Zionism . A grass roots activism prepared to use all means within the letter of the law to counter the effect of organisations such as the Psc and bds . Unfortunately our established Zionist organizations are not willing or able to meet the contemporary conditions of delegitimization waged by the forces of darkness . In a nut shell they are no longer fit for purpose . Playing by Marquiss of Queensbury rules may have been the correct procedure 20 years ago . It is not now . The haters have had an open Playing field for too long . Things are in the process of changing .

    1. Harvey, you don't seriously think that the 'dhimmi' British Jews will change to you?

      I am quite ashamed of being an ex-pat Brit to be quite honest with you. Unfortunately, my Cockney accent, twinged with an Australian one, gives me away.

      I am with you 100%. If you'd like to contact me, you are welcome to do so at I would like to be in touch with you.

      Can I suggest that you make contact with the Jewish Defence League UK.

  3. OT
    A fatwa for red Ken?
    Ken Livingston signed/desecrated a copy of the Quran.
    Will there be riots? Will Obama apologise?
    Have I Got News for You S43E01 6:.30

  4. Thanks for the comments so far.
    Something about it has just been on the news channel France24 - thwarted Israel-bashing activists who were refused seats on planes were holding up signs at Roissy Airport suggesting that France is an Israeli colony. If I see the video or any others I'll put it/them on.

  5. Everything they attempt - flotilla, flytilla, BDS ends in failure. I just love to hear how they repeatedly FAIL.

    I'm so glad Israel used common sense and banned these anti-Semite hatemongers this weekend. Good policy for all democracies to follow.

  6. A group of people wished to visit Palestine and see conditions at first hand and provide aid. Israel use its police force to arrest and prevent them from landing. It clearly demonstrated that it is an aprthied state holding Palestinians in prison and is clamping down access to them. Nothing demonstrates the aparthied nature of Israel more clearly. If this is a victory, this must rank with the "victory" in Lebanon!


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