Wednesday, 7 March 2012

"You Can Recognise Them Because They Are Better-Dressed Than We Are....Don't Believe A Word These Professional Liars Say To You" Declares BDS Campaigner Of Pro-Israel Bystanders (video)

Here's Raymond Deane, cultural liaison officer of the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, participating in a "Boycott Apartheid Israel" demo outside the Henry Street, Dublin, branch of a long-established department store called Dunnes, which stocks Israeli goods.

He takes the microphone from ISPC chairperson Martin O'Quigley in order to draw attention to a group of people who, he claims, have been sent to Ireland by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The people in question are easily recognised, he explains, because they "are better dressed than we are," the reason being that they "get more money from the American taxpayer".  He indicates "a delightful young woman" photographing proceedings presumably "for her bosses in Tel Aviv" and alleges that the people he has pointed out "lied about their origins" ...

The video's uploader wrote:
'For the second day in a row, the IPSC was shadowed by the Israeli hasbara delegation, whose mission seemed to be to "argue, argue, argue". Unfortunately for the hasbaroids, they have no arguments of substance with which to actually argue. Lies, distortions, slander, putting words in peoples' mouths and "what about-ery" were the order of the day as they read from the hasbara playbook. ....
Unbelievably, one of the hasbaroids even tried, unsuccessfully, to get the manager of Dunnes Stores to have the IPSC stall moved. It seems that they believe that - like the state they were here representing - they had the right to evict whomsoever they pleased. Eventually, after losing many arguments and being largely ignored by passersby, Team Hasbara left the area, while the IPSC continued engaging with a very receptive public. Indeed, it seemed as if the very presence of the hasbaroids was so off-putting to punters that they were making a point of coming up to the stall and signing the petition calling on CRH to divest from its Israeli interests that are involved in building the illegal Apartheid wall in Palestine.'

Martin O'Quigley's droning speech, alleging apartheid in both the West Bank and Israel within the pre-1967 borders seems in fact to have attracted relatively little attention from passers-by, judging by how many of them appear to scurry past with hardly a glance in his direction or that of his placard-displaying cohorts.  A letter was handed in to Dunnes requesting them to cease stocking Israeli goods.


  1. I believe psychologists call that “shadow projection”
    “turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else”

    You’d think Ireland would welcome some hard currency from tourists.

  2. Indeed, especially since they are tied to the euro and their EU bubble burst some years ago.
    I have to say that the "delightful young lady" is wearing a stunningly chic outfit.

  3. Israeli Jews in the West Bank live under civil law, Palestinians live under military law. There are at leas 22 military laws that apply onlyto Palestinians. palestinians are denied building permits in their own land while settlements are being built.
    Beduoin villages in the Negev are not recognise by Israel, though some of them are over 60 years old and the vilages ere frequently demolished to make way for Jewish settlements.
    A few examples of apartheid bot inside the greenline and in the West Bank.

    1. “Israeli Jews in the West Bank live under civil law, Palestinians live under military law.”
      This is actually required under the Fourth Geneva convention, chief. Also Palestinians in Area A and B live under PA civil law as agreed under the Oslo Accords.

      “There are at leas 22 military laws that apply onlyto Palestinians.”
      Discriminating on nationality isn’t apartheid sparky.

      Do some reading on Mulk, Miri, Mahlul and Mawat concepts of “ownership” before you claim someone “owns land”.
      Land tenure policies in the Near East
      (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

      Beware the “apartheid bot” indeed.

    2. *Where nationality is membership of a nation or sovereign state, determined by citizenship.

  4. I would like to donate free SS uniform knockoffs to them.

  5. Well sure, that. Also our hooked noses and secret handshakes. You can always pick us out by that.

  6. Not to mention those little horns on top of the head, if you look closely...

  7. The only thing I agree with him about is that they dress badly.

    I was trying to think of a famous Irish fashion designer, I can name literally hundreds of Jewish fashion designers, but I could only think of one ethnically irish famous fashion designer; Stella McCartney. They I realised she's Jewish too so I'm back to square one. The Irish aren't known for their fashion sense I guess.

    1. Paul Costello, Phillip Treacy spring to mind. Stupid remarks like yours are as unhelpful to Israel as the antics of the BDS crowd are to the Palestinians

  8. "...Not to mention those little horns on top of the head, if you look closely..."

    The lovely Hirsi Ali (brought up as Muslim) said that, when she encountered the first Jew in her life she was amazed that he did not have any horns. Although I dont have at the moment the exact source where she said it, (it might be in her auto-biography), I remember she did not mean it metaphorically. And Hirsi Ali is a highly intelligent human being, not an asset with which those in the video seem to be burdened.


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