Monday, 26 March 2012

Where Is The Outcry?: Fatwa Against Churches In The Arabian Peninsula

The Jerusalem Post reports that Saudi Grand Mufti Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah Al al-Sheikh has issued a fatwa declaring that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches in the Arabian Peninsula.”" This is, of course, an abuse of the human rights of around three and a half million Christian guest workers in the Gulf region.

Although Saudi Arabia bans non-Muslim places of worship, there are churches in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Yemen.

Several bishops on the European continent have spoken out against the fatwa.

But as the Italian journalist Giulio Meotti, who is writing a book about the Vatican's relations with Israel,  observes:
"It’s astonishing, horrible and amazing that the most important Muslim cleric in the land that gave birth to Islam can call for the destruction of churches without this genocidal fatwa attracting any international condemnation or protest.  Where is the White House? Where is Lady Ashton? Where is the Vatican? Where are the UN’s agencies?...
This fatwa is like Iran’s Ahmadinejad calling for the destruction of the State of Israel. Both, the Jews and Christians, today are targeted for a new impending genocide."


  1. Some people are talking about the US....on “evil” Foxnews

    The Five 2-14-2012
    BTW Bob Beckel is supposed to be the token leftwinger on the show.

    Re: Toulouse
    Ramadan’s disgusting justification for a barbarians mass-murder was selected as the “editor’s choice” for the ABC’s Religion and Ethics department.

    Andrew Bolt rips the ABC a new one.
    Column - A jihad on responsibility
    “If Ramadan meant to excuse Islam and Muslims generally, he’s failed in this immoral article.
    Shame on the ABC editor who published it. What next: the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? “



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