Friday, 2 March 2012

What's Up, Doc? Anti-Israel Bias Of British Medical Periodical Continues

Baroness ("Jihad Jenny") Tonge, on whom my penultimate post focuses, is, as well-known a doctor of medicine.  She's not the only member of her profession in the UK who's fanatically anti-Israel.

For a number of years one of Britain's premier medical periodicals, The Lancet, has (controversially and to the utter chagrin of many doctors) embraced a politicised anti-Israel position, owing to the leanings of its editor, Dr Richard Horton, who in this video from 2006 rants against the War in Iraq using such phrases as  "the axis of American imperialism" and "the colonialist arm of this [British] government".

In 2010 HonestReporting provided a pungent critique of the anti-Israel stance of Dr Horton and his periodical here.

Last year Pesach Benson of HonestReporting pertinently observed:
"Thanks to Palestinian rockets and mortars, 70 percent of Sderot’s children suffer from trauma of one form or another, while 23 percent of the city’s residents are on medication to fight depression, anxiety or sleeplessness.
Someone could write a book about Sderot’s ongoing battle for public health and well-being, but you wont read about any of these issues in The Lancet. Sderot just doesn’t fit in with the medical magazine’s annual bash-Israel agenda."
 Sadly and outrageously,  The Lancet continues on its Israel-demonising path.  See this article for details:

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