Monday, 19 March 2012

The Material Girl's "Spiritual Decision" (video)

Madonna has announced that her World Tour will commence in Israel (Tev Aviv) on 29 May.

I guess her devotion to Israel, via her interest in Kabbala, is too intense for the BDS fanatics to try to cajole her into changing her mind, as they usually do when a show biz figure announces - shock, horror! - that they intend to perform in the Jewish State.

Concert organiser Shuki Weiss observes that the so-called Cultural Boycott of Israel (which he of course opposes) is pointless, for a very good reason:
"If there's a political involvement from the artist's side, this is the only country in this region where you can say and express your message because it's a complete democracy, and you're very welcome to do so."

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