Thursday 29 March 2012

"In Blood We'll Redeem Jerusalem"

That's a rallying cry of delegates participating in the abominable Global March to Jerusalem on 30 March, decribed in this must-read factsheet as
"an anti-Israel publicity stunt that aims to have a million people marching on Israel’s borders from all the surrounding countries – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt – with the aim of reaching Jerusalem. Concurrently, demonstrations are planned in the Palestinian-administrated territories and against Israel’s diplomatic missions in major cities throughout the world."
The antisemitic and frequently bloodcurdling tone of the march is evident from many of their banners and posters, and I thoroughly recommend this site, which provides regular updates exposing their nature and intent.  Indeed, it's essential reading (and viewing, for in addition to articles there are many pictures and videos).  This part of the site provides quick links regarding the movement in various countries.

Among the supporters of the march are our old pals George Galloway and Desmond Tutu, the notorious Gilad Atzmon, the Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, and the idiosyncratic gentlemen of the Neturei Karta movement.  These "useful idiots" have long been (figuratively) embraced by Israel-demonisers in the West, and remain so, despite the fact that Neturei Karta are also supportive of nutjob zealots in Israel noisily and noisomely harassing modestly-attired Orthodox girls, including the pre-pubescent, for not dressing modestly enough.

But that's the hypocrisy of the (often scantily-clad) leftwing feminists of the anti-Israel movement for you, so accustomed to  making common cause with male supremacists of the Islamic sort in their efforts to bring down Israel.


  1. More anti Semitism from the Global March to Jerusalem - Australian National Committee

    Don't call the Global March to Jerusalem anti-semitic!

  2. hi Daphne,

    being a normal feminist, I'm all for criticism of femmos who collaborate with tyrants against Jews, Israel and all the democracies.

    But what's with your remark about "often scantily-clad" lefty feminists got to do with anything??
    whether they're scantily clad or not, it's their bigotry which is the issue, not how much skin they're showing.

    Might I remind you that skin coverage means nothing in whether someone loves a tyrant or not?
    The revolting Catherine Ashton recently made unconscionable comparisons between the children murdered in Toulouse murders and Gaza children. She was wearing a suit.
    The revolting Lauren Booth often screeches her Israel hatred clad in suit and headscarf.
    Plenty of female Muslimabots exhibit their Jew hatred covered head to toe in their womanbags.

    Plase don't trivilise and confuse the issue of hatred against Israel by draggng in ridiculous codes like this. you're not doing women any favours, and it just seriously annoys people like me.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Jill. It's a good one, and I take your point.
    I just get so fed up with seeing demonstrators against Israel clad in skimpy tops and skirts with keffiyehs round their necks, forgetting that in many Muslim societies, unlike the Israel they demonise, they'd be forced into burkhas.


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