Wednesday, 22 February 2012

"We Are Of The Opinion That The Iranian Regime Is A Rational Actor" Says Obama's Top Military Adviser

General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff,  tells CNN that a military strike against Iran is not "prudent" at present ...

"We are of the opinion that the Iranian regime is a rational actor ...We have not concluded that Iran is an existential threat ..."

"If you were a betting man, would you bet that Israel won't strike?" asks the interviewer.
"Well, fortunately, I'm not a betting man."


  1. Hi Daphne, Love your blog. Just thought I'd get in early and refer you to yet another example of our national broadcaster embarrassing Australia. See Fisk (!) on Four Corners and AIJAC's reply: s

  2. Thanks, Jack. Nice to have your comment. I'll take a look.

  3. Iran is a rational actor? Well that's alright then. Mind you that depends on your definition of rational.

    Check out the video this analyst has helpfully translated.

  4. What exactly does Israel want from Iran ? Does it want a nuclear free region ?

  5. A nuclear free Iran would be an excellent start. A Nazi free Iran would be the perfect encore.

  6. How do you define "region"? Pakistan? China? India? France? UK?

    They're all within range of Iran's missiles.

  7. Well said on both counts, geoffff!


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