Tuesday, 14 February 2012

"This Despicable Vitriol Is Left Unchallenged": Aussie Parliamentarian Highlights The Greens' Moral Bankruptcy Regarding Israel and Iran

Clearly, O'Dwyer is Golden, while Silence is Green.

For what a magnificent speech by Australian legislator Kelly O'Dwyer, Liberal member for Higgins, in yesterday's debate in the House of Representatives concerning Human Rights (or rather, the lack of them) in Iran.

All praise to to her for highlighting so ably and comprehensively the unconscionable hypocrisy of the Greens:
"In Australia during this time one must ask the questions 'Who stands conspicuously quiet? Who stands silent while these human rights are abused?' ....  It is ... the Greens, those people who suggest that they are the champions of human rights and the keepers of the moral chalice, those professed keepers of all that is right and ethical. Where, I ask you, is Senator Brown in condemning these actions? Where is Senator Hanson-Young on her soapbox demanding justice? Where is the member for Melbourne, Adam Bandt, in this chamber supporting this motion? Where are the Greens protests in the streets? Most importantly, given all that we have learned about the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions scheme that grew from the Greens' local council movement in Marrickville, where are the calls for the boycotts of Iranian companies or even of Syrian ones, to be truly consistent? No, all that is simply reserved for Israel.
Interestingly, the Greens also profess to be strong champions of human rights, particularly for those who are homosexual. Yet it is the country of Israel, the only democracy in the region, that legislates rights for women and homosexuals. In fact, in a recent poll conducted by GayCities.com in conjunction with American Airlines, Tel Aviv was rated the best gay travel destination of 2011. Yet here the Greens condemn Israel and not Iran.
Could you imagine if the Prime Minister of Israel had prayed for the ‘annihilation’ of the Palestinians? How many motions would the Greens have moved by now? How many press releases, demonstrations and media conferences would they have called? I conducted a search on the Greens' website. I typed ‘Iran’ into their search feature, 23 results were returned and in those results there was not one mention—not one, single, solitary mention—of the atrocities that have taken place, of the abhorrent preachings of the President of Iran or of the blatant human rights abuses posed against ethnic minorities, women and homosexuals. However, if you type in ‘Israel’ you will find pages and pages and pages—in particular pages as to how you can be involved as well in the BDS movement. This is a truly sad state of affairs and it is of great concern in particular to me that the Greens do not stand with us in this chamber against such violence against human rights workers, women’s rights activists, journalists and government opponents.
The Greens seem to quote the UN when it suits them and ignore them when it does not conform to their agenda. And make no mistake: the Greens' agenda on Israel is well and truly on show. It is incumbent upon all of us who, at times, take our freedoms for granted to stand up for those who do not share the same freedoms. I call on all members of this parliament, including the Greens - including Senator Bob Brown - to support this motion and to highlight the atrocities and depravity of the Iranian government and to stand up for the fact that these depravities must come to an end. For too long we have turned a blind eye to the signs that have been staring us in the face, and we must not accept what is unacceptable. I call on the Greens to stand with us in this chamber and support the human rights that are being abused in Iran and to make a very strong and public statement about it.”
 Those remarks came at the end of her speech, which began by condemning "the abhorrent and repugnant human rights abuses that are currently occurring in the so-called Republic of Iran" and after she bemoaned the dashed expectations of the so-called Arab Spring:
"We did not want Israel to continue to stand as the lone beacon of democracy in the Middle East. Alas, on the ground, the Arab Spring has not matched the anticipation. For all of the hopes that we had, the people of Iran, Syria, Libya and Bahrain have been met with bullets,aggression and brutality...."
She then focused on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, before launching that well-deserved attack on the Greens:
"One needs only look at a number of his public statements to discover the depths of this so-called leader’s depravity. On the state of Israel he has stated that it ‘must be wiped off the map’ and that ‘with God’s grace this regime will be annihilated and Palestinians and other regional nations will be rid of its bad omen’.
On the Holocaust he has said:
“Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces and they insist on it to the extent that if anyone proves something contrary to that they condemn that person and throw them in jail … we don’t accept this claim.”
He went on to say:
“They, Germans or Europeans, have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets.”
On Zionists - read Jews - he has said:
“The Zionists and their protectors are the most detested people in all of humanity, and the hatred is increasing every day.”
And he has said:
“The world powers established these filthy bacteria, the Zionist regime, which is lashing out at the nations in the region like a wild beast.”
 Finally, on the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel’s independence, he said:
“Those who think they can revive the stinking corpse of the usurping and fake Israeli regime by throwing a birthday party are seriously mistaken.”
Any one of these statements on its own warrants  immediate condemnation, yet this despicable vitriol is left unchallenged and has been left unchallenged too often and for too long. It is only now that the world is starting to take notice of Iran. It is only after the tragic loss of life that the world is paying Iran the attention it should have paid many years before.
Words of a tyrant lead to deeds of a tyrant. It should come as no surprise that the owner of such vile words could be a perpetrator of such vile acts. The only question that remains is: how many people must continue to die before the international community stands against such repression?"
Source for speech: J-Wire


  1. O'Dwyer totally knocked it out of the park, finally something in parliament worth watching. I want the video!

    All the sweeter that the original motion was proposed Melissa Parke (Greg Combet’s GF and former UNRWA employee)
    An Open Letter to Melissa Parke

    Daniel Hannan MEP is going to be on Q and A next week.
    Daniel Hannan On Israel
    Dan Hannan, MEP:Part 1- Why Israel has such a hard time getting a fair hearing in Brussels.


  2. Greens don't love Ahmadinejad in spite of what he says. They love him because of what he says. Pointing out to genocidal antisemitic tyrant worshiping psychopaths that they are in fact genocidal antisemitic tyrant worshiping psychopaths is interpreted by them as a thank you not as a condemnation.

  3. Thanks, Ian - like the other Ian among commenters on this blog (Ian G) you're always very helpful.

    The Greens sure do act in a way that supports your view, Trudy!

    1. Ian’s rule :)

      Here’s Melissa Parke’s speech
      Human Rights in Iran

      No mention of Israel or Jews, just one mention of Zionism in a quote about Baha’is (in the ME, they're only safe in Israel).

      As Mona Eltahawy said Israel is the Opium of the People (and Iran is the biggest pusher).


  4. Would like to know more about the Liberals that O'Dwyer represents.

    Her words are awesome.

  5. In a nutshell, the Liberals are the equivalent of the British Conservative Party - i.e. the centre-right party in Oz, and one of the two main parties, the opposition being the Australian Labor Party (ALP).

  6. As I wrote in J-Wire also:

    The Greens are not silent on the existential threat that Iran (and by extention even the UN) causes to the Jewish people and Israel, they stand loudly WITH the deadly ennemies of Israel and their porte-parole in this is Senator Lee Rhiannon-nee-Brown.

    She stood with Sheik Hilali of Lakemba on the steps of the Sydney Townhall in their united cause which was inciting, loudly, screechingly, hatred towards Israel in front of a huge crowd.

    Sheik Hilali, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, was recently received, officially, by the Iranian Wannabe-Hitler, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in this role.

    Call me “simplistic” but when I put 1 and 1 together I get 2 !

    Incendtally, this Kelly O’Dwyer strikes me as a gutsy and very articulate young woman, I have seen her go, courageously, against the Herd and groupthink on Q & A*, and coming out on top.

    *) a talk fest on the Australian tax payer funded TV chanel, filled mostly with leftist, hence anti-Jewish lovies, where the token conservative (to fake balance) is usually sneered at. The Australian ABC is very much like the BBC.

  7. Interesting - thanks for taking the trouble to comment, Rita.

  8. Gee Daph,

    You stole my thunder.!!

    The Liberal party is the party that gets this country back on track, after it is totally screwed up by the ALP, like it is at present.

    Two elections ago, for some inexplicable reason they were defeated at the polls, when we were in the best possible position economically. That money has now been squandered by the ALP, which will take years now to get us back into the black.

    The only reason for the defeat as far as I can see is that people wanted a change from the 2nd longest serving Prime Minister in our history. I think it may have been young people, who have no idea about politics, all they saw was an ‘old man’ as leader of our country and had never seen anyone else and a younger man was there promising them everything.

    Polls show the Liberal party will romp home at the next election. … providing we have a country left, because this mob have gone from one huge failure to another. It’s now beyond funny.

    oldschooltwentysix... we've had other MPs stand up and do likewise. I can't imagine such a thing happening in the 'mother country'

    In NSW (New South Wales) the parliamentary group, is called " Parliamentary friends of Israel" is the most popular group in State Parliament, with MPs from the major parties and now ONE GREEN !!!

    1. We do forget terms are a little different down under.

      Liberal Party = Conservatives
      Democrats = fading/redundant minor political party
      Republican = anti-monarchist

      As Tony Abbott said
      “But for all the instinctive bonds there can still be misunderstandings. On my first trip to the United States as a parliamentarian, the US Information Agency briefed my hosts that I was a ferocious liberal and deeply anti-republican, which meant that I spent most of the fortnight being introduced to communists.”


  9. Ah, Shirlee! Just the person I had counted on to answer Oldschool's question more fully ;~)

  10. Daphne, it's for us posters to thank you for your work.

    Anyway, I had better back up my info above:

    Below Lee Rhiannon, the Greens Senator, at about minute 2


    And here below: some documentation of Sheik Hilali's visit to Adolf Ahmadinejad. Lee Rhiannon shared the Platform with the Sheik, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, at Sydney townhall during this incitement to hatred of Israel and the Jewish people (above).



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