Sunday, 12 February 2012

"A Racist Country": Blood Libellers Against Max Brenner In Melbourne (videos)

These western BDSers, they seem to like girls who are screamers, don't they!

Immediately below, a dollop of manic high-pitched screeching from a girl cheerleader of the so-called Coalition Against Israel Apartheid and Students For Palestine as she leads her robotically chanting cohorts on 10 February into the usual offensive and moronic leftist accusations against chocolatier Max Brenner - "There's blood in your hot chocolate" and "You're supporting genocide".  Note the "Race Against Evil..." hyperbole in the introduction...


The level of ignorance prevalent can perhaps be gleaned by one of the uploader's dodgy spelling of Israel as "Isreal".


  1. any idea went these stupid people will attack Sydney next?

  2. what is most extraordinary is that while syrian arabs have been killed by assad's forces at a rate that will reach 8,000, mostly civilians, by the end of one year, these useful idiots don't give a hoot.
    the same number of arabs, mostly combatants, have been killed by israeli forces on the west bank and gaza since 1948 – that’s 64 years - and the useful idiots are so outraged they call it "genocide". me thinks the issue is not arab human rights. me thinks the issue is jooooooooos.
    dannykid. sydney.

  3. Try debating the screaming girls, it is impossible. I have confronted these screaming types many times before at different rallies, protests and counter-protests and it is always the same half baked mantras, silly slogans and foul language.

    I do believe the BDS movement has lost its momentum and it is only a matter of time before the hated filled movement will be a memory of the past.

  4. @ Nick Folkes

    "...I do believe the BDS movement has lost its momentum and it is only a matter of time before the hate filled movement will be a memory of the past."

    I wish I could share your optimism :(

    But they seem to have replaced the moronic OLD uglies with moronic YOUNG uglies, more to the taste of their masters...or do they think these carots will catch more fish (to mix a metaphor or two)?

  5. I think it's over in Sydney, Perth and Brisbane.

    Melbourne is a whole other issue, where they are more radicalised.

    Adelaide is another situation entirely, where they have no opposition and they have a BDS action every Friday afternoon.

  6. An update on this BDS protest
    From Andrew Bolts blog
    They say they’re just against “Zionism”
    The anti-Israel boycott and divestment movement is now starting to reveal itself:
    Protest the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in Hebron
    Public Event for Victorian Students for Palestine....
    Saturday, February 25, 2012.3:00pm until 6:00pm..
    Adass Gutnick Hall, 22 Glen Eira Avenue, Ripponlea
    The target of this demonstration? A religious building.

    Their target was mining magnate Joseph Gutnick, they picked Adass Gutnick Hall because it was named after his mother.

    Fortunately the angry mob of thugs backed down.

    Activists abandon Sabbath protest
    "The fact that they were initially advertising a protest at a synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath is indicative of the thinking of the protest organisers," he said.
    "It is disgraceful that they were even thinking about harassing and intimidating elderly people, families and children who were doing no more than attending their place of worship.
    "If these people have an issue with Israel, they should take it up directly with Israel and leave private individuals out of it."


    1. People don't protest a building. They protest at some activty going on there.

  7. Thanks for that, Ian.

    Thanks to everybody for the comments so far...

  8. Try this one from Vex news from Friday

    Increasingly, Kenway and her band of protesters are blurring the lines between hating Israel and engaging in blatantly anti-Semitic protests. The move to attack a synagogue during religious services is the most blatant act in that direction we’ve seen across Australia.

    Kenway’s protests have previously targeted Israeli-owned chocolate shops on the basis that some of their chocolate had been sent to the young men and women who protect Israel from those sworn to its destruction. Her behaviour was such that she and a group of comrades have been arrested and prosecuted for their riotous behaviour.

    Sources familiar with the matter told VEXNEWS they feared the deep offence and confrontational environment created by Vashti Kenway and her noisy band of ultra-leftists (and apparently a sprinkling of the lunar right) could prompt violence between the congregation at the synagogue and Kenway’s loons.

  9. The longer these beached jellyfish protest for BDS the stronger they make the Israel case. The tragedy is how much harm they do to ordinary Palestinian Arabs.

  10. Hello Nick Folkes. The host of this blog has ben invited to a debate on Israeli aparthied and racism but has backed away. Perhaps you can convince her or even you are welcome to joi. I will show that Israel is an aparthied, racist and coloniser state. You are welcome to show it is not.

  11. LOL!
    Hardly an invitation to a proper debate in a debating chamber, just a challenge to discuss "Israeli aparthied and racism" on here.
    Lawks, lassie (I reckon you're a lassie not a lad), you can't even spell apartheid. You misspell it every time.

  12. We beat them back thrice in Sydney, their stinky little hatefest is dead in Sydney.

  13. Spot the non-BDSer in this clip:

  14. To the Israel-is-an-apartheid-state loons I recommend one I did earlier ;~)


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