Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Netanyahu's Former Chief of Staff on The Biggest Challenge to Israel (video)

Here's Naftali Bennett, founder of the national movement MyIsrael,  delivering a few home truths before the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations in Jerusalem this week regarding what he sees as the undermining of Israel from within ...

Hat tip: reader Shirlee


  1. I’ll pass that along

    Palestinian “Baker”, Khader Adnan, calling for suicide bombing
    More Butcher than Baker


  2. I am very intrigued by the other panel members' reaction about minute 5 or so. What is that about? Why are they shaking their heads?

    On the other hand, shades of what the speaker is saying are happening in Australia where Australian soldiers, who are fighting in Afghanistan, had to defend themselves before the Australian courts, for reacting to a threat to their very lives on the battlefield. (Of course, Australia does not (yet) have the threat to their very existence that Israel has.

    1. The woman clearly disagreed with what was being said.
      The bearded man with the glasses was passing notes telling the speaker how much time he had left, but he was scribbling furiously.

      Re Australian SAS
      All that upheaval was the work of just one activist prosecutor trying to extend liability/negligence standards to the battlefield. It was absolutely disgraceful that the prosecution was allowed to occur and an insult to the people who fight for this country.


    2. Thanks Ian, my impression was also that the woman seemed to disagree and I dont understand why?

      As to that shameful chapter in Australia, I remain completely disgusted. We have the "ennemy" well and truly within: while the best of our young man are "over there" getting killed, we have hundreds of young muslim/afghani males, fighting fit, coming to our shores weekly, illegally, as soi-disant "refugees", rather than defend their own country. There was a video somewhere of the American (senator?) Col. West, who explains the near suicidal "rules of engagement" that our (western) soldiers have to follow.

    3. Let’s see if I can post via blogger and differentiate myself from the anonymous posters.

      Col. Allen West is the man

      Colonel Allen West on Rules Of Engagement (1 min)

      Allen West: Rules of Engagement & the New Battleground (20 min)

      He’s talking about Protocol I and II of the Geneva Convention that the US hasn’t even signed. But they follow it in NATO.

      CAIR Confronts Allen West (with subtitles)


    4. Thank you for your links, Ian. Now THERE is a man I think should be in the White House, rather than the present occupier.

    5. There’s also Bibi vs Obama

  3. EOZ writing for Times of Israel

    The power crisis in Gaza was created by Hamas


  4. Thanks for the comments, Ian and Rita - sorry I have been tardy in responding; very busy today.

    Rita, yes, it's intriguing ...can't quite work it out.


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