Thursday, 1 March 2012

"Jihad Jenny" Quits Party Over Her Latest Remarks About Israel (with video)

So, rather than retract her latest abhorrent remarks about Israel, Baroness Tonge (pictured), aka Jenny Tonge, the virulently anti-Israel life peer dubbed "Jihad Jenny" by some commentators, has quit the Liberal Democrats (but will, of course, continue to sit in the House of Lords).

Known for a series of truly egregious remarks about Israel over the years, some of which have prompted allegations of antisemitism, for sharing platforms with people widely regarded as extremists, and for her unashamed appearances on Iran's PressTV, her remarks at the recent hate-fest against Israel at Middlesex University featuring the notorious Ken O'Keefe, drew a barrage of criticism from various sides of politics, with Labour leader Ed Miliband (hardly the warmest friend of Israel himself) joining the fray by tweeting:
"No place in politics for those who question existence of the state of Israel. Nick Clegg must condemn Jenny Tonge's remark and demand apology."
The remarks so widely condemned were these delightful sentiments:
"Beware Israel. Israel is not going to be there for ever in its present form. One day, the United States of America will get sick of giving £70bn a year to Israel to support what I call America's aircraft carrier in the Middle East – that is Israel. One day, the American people are going to say to the Israel lobby in the USA: enough is enough.
Israel will lose support and then they will reap what they have sown."
She also remarked that when the Israel lobby "decide to go for you, they will go for you in a big way. I bear the scars."

The Jewish Chronicle reports that
'[P]olice are investigating comments made at the event by former US marine Ken O'Keefe following allegations that he incited racial hatred when comparing Jewish audience members to Nazis.
Baroness Tonge was sitting next to Mr O'Keefe as he screamed at audience members, said Israel "must be destroyed" and claimed Mossad was "directly involved" in the September 11 terror attacks on the United States.
She made no attempt at the time to distance herself from his remarks, and launched her own tirade against Israel which has today been widely condemned from figures across the political spectrum.'
 Read more here


  1. The thing about the lunatic fringe is they tend to project. It looks like Jenny is reaping what she has sown, and may I say, it appears to be sprouting all over her ugly face.

    May she and Ken live their long lives together.

  2. Jihad Jenny joining the deadly ennemies of the Jewish People and Israel might have a motivation which seems quite justifiable to me, looking at her picture: she might prepare to retire to a country where she can don the Chador in order to remove her less than attractive appearance from public gaze, e.g. a country like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunesia and the rest of the "Arab Spring" results...

    Hang on... by all accounts she wouldn't have to travel all that far; to blend into the blackly besacked female forms she can stay right in the UK.(from what I hear and read).

  3. Well, few of us improve with age... :~(

    I do find it incredible how female Western Israel-haters think nothing of appearing on the propaganda channel of the Iranian regime!

  4. How these crackpots ever get into positions of power is beyond me. Any credible party would have thrown her out in 2004.

  5. "Well, few of us improve with age...:~("

    No spring chicken myself, I believe in hitting virulent anti-semites where it hurts, if necessary even below the belt, and even sitting in a glass house ;)

  6. Baroness Tonge: The full statement
    "The comments I made have been taken completely out of context. They followed a very ill tempered meeting in which Zionist campaigners attempted continually to disrupt proceedings. They mouthed obscenities at the panelists, to the extent that University security attempted to remove them from the premises.

    She obviously doesn’t realise there is video of her speaking.

  7. charlie simenoff2 March 2012 at 00:35

    daphne,jenny tonge is a rabid anti-semite and that is more important than the iranian state's repression of women,amongst others.

  8. Thanks for the comments, Rita, Ian, and Charlie.

  9. Another BDS fail
    UK envoy: Trade boom proves no Israel boycott

    "UK-Israel bilateral trade soared 34 percent to £3.75 billion ($6b.) last year – proving there is no economic boycott of Israel, British Ambassador to Israel, Matthew Gould, said Wednesday."

    "Gould argued that Israelis have a tendency to overestimate the impact of British pro-boycott campaigns. He gave the example of the decision made by West Dumbartonshire Council last year to initiate its own economic boycott of Israel."

    “The truth was: you weren’t talking about the whole of Scotland – you weren’t even talking about the whole of Dumbartonshire; you were talking about West Dumbartonshire, a small local council. The economic impact of their decision is not going to be felt by anyone in Israel, and yet they were given all this publicity,” he said.


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