Friday, 17 February 2012

British Middle East Consultant's Antisemitic Rant On Iran's Propaganda Channel Website

The website of Press TV, Iran's 24/7 satellite progaganda news channel that recently lost its licence to broadcast in Britain, carries a long over-the-top antisemitic rant by a bloke called Peter Eyre, described as "Middle East Consultant".

The fact that the article is headed "BBC hikes up the Zionist propaganda machine" points to its crackpot nature.

Here's a taste of Eyre's ire:

"We now see another “Imperialistic Empire” taking its place know as the “New World Order” (NWO) with its headquarters firmly embedded in the City of London.

This evil satanic organisation, consisting mainly of Zionists and very senior members of the Freemasons have spread their evil tentacles over most of the UK and launched this country on a programme of continuous conflicts and war.

The NWO controls world finances, world politics, the UN, WHO, the ICJ, the judicial system, education, police and the military via its arm - NATO.

The heartland of the NWO are the Rothschild’s, members of the EU Royal Families, the Pilgrim Society, the very senior members of the Freemason´s (including many MP´s and members of the House of Lords), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House London), Friends of Israel and The Bank of England etc.

There is a steady stream of politicians that pay regular visits to Chatham House to pledge their support for Israel with our current Prime Minister David Cameron, his deputy Nick Clegg and many others such as former PM Gordon Brown and Tony Blair, Ken Clarke, William Hague, George Osborne to name but a few. It is in the bowels of this building where they swear their allegiance to Zionists backed groups and Israel (their funders) instead of our own country.

Many people in this country do not realise that our dear BBC also forms part of this same satanic rot and is highly funded by the pro-Israeli groups that manipulate everything we hear and see....

.... It is common knowledge that students in the US, many being from Berkeley, are hired by either the CIA or Israel to participate in international unrest and frequently act as agents by infiltrating into the ranks of activists or even groups of militia. They have their education paid for in return for such activity and at a given time they pass on the names and locations of key figures to the CIA or Israeli secret service who then plan a drone attack or assassinate the person concerned.

Palestine is also a breeding ground for such activity (Gaza and West Bank) whereby the organisations are basically run by so-called “Jewish Sympathisers” who in some cases appear to turn their backs on their own faith and Israel. This is an entirely false front and these members - “Enemies of Israel”- are allowed to transit Israel to and from Gaza and West Bank without restriction having been previously deported for supporting Gaza (Palestinians) or for causing unrest. This in itself is evidence that they are carrying out undercover work for the CIA or Israel.

I could offer you a long list of names (traitors) and prove that many so-called charities have now been infiltrated by Zionist or Pro-Israeli supporters who are involved in such operations. I find this extremely upsetting when one considers the vast sums of money they obtain from the citizens of the world who want to help the Palestinians but in actual fact are feeding the money directly into Israel and at the same time are getting key Palestinians assassinated by their deceitful ways.

Back to the BBC propaganda machine, another bogus report also hit the headlines when the BBC stated the following: “Car bombs 'target Israel envoys' in India and Georgia” and immediately printed the following statement from Israel (their funders)....

Let´s recall the same style of assassinations that were used against the nuclear scientists in Tehran which was believed to have been the work of either the CIA, MI5 or Mossad. Exactly the same usage of motorcyclist etc clearly points to yet again another “False Flag Statement” that the BBC is so good at publishing!....

It was the same BBC that reported the following, on 25 December 2009, a Nigerian student smuggled explosives on to a flight from Schiphol to Detroit in the US after flying into Amsterdam from Lagos. He has pleaded guilty to trying to blow up the Northwest Airlines jet he boarded and is due to be sentenced on Thursday. He faces life imprisonment. I can assure you that this again was a false flag and it is an Israeli company that is responsible for security at Amsterdam airport....

In conclusion one must also remember that westered Special Forces, CIA, MI5, Mossad, hired militia and snipers are operating within Syria causing severe unrest and in many cases are directly responsible for the death of many innocent Syrian civilians. Such is the evil state of western foreign policy that is funded primarily by Israel.'

Read the entire mapcap rant here


  1. That's Epic!

    I’m sure his looming aneurysm will be just as epic

    A bit hard to reconcile with the BBC doing this
    BBC spent £350,000 on legal battle to keep report on its 'biased' Middle East coverage secret

    Al Guardian is more subtle than Press TV
    Iran seems an unlikely culprit for the attacks on Israeli diplomats
    Tehran has good relations with Thailand, India and Georgia. Why would it endanger that by planting bombs there?


  2. Where do they find these people and why do countries listen to them? That is more to the point. Why aren't these people marginalized as they should be? Why is antisemitism above all other hatreds still accepted and quite honestly nourished?

  3. Huffington Post or The Nation could give him at least a part time gig.

  4. It seems Press TV takes him seriously - not sure who else does. Here's a taste on video:

  5. Independent Patriot

    It is because unfortunately there are many people in the world that WANT to willingly believe in such lies and liberally indulge in their latent Jew-hatred, especially those cowardly deceitful types that either knowingly or unknowingly say that they are merely against Zionism / Israel and yet imply with their so-called “ideal vision of world peace” they are not satisfied with anything less than Zionism / Israel / Jews disappearing from the world, even when other more saner Arabs say that Jordan should become Palestine or propose anything that does not entail the destruction of Israel / the Jewish people.

  6. Anon, I appreciate the comment you have just left, but I fear it might be defamatory, so I dare not post it.
    Please don't be offended - I have had to reject comments on these grounds from time to time. Thanks for having taken the trouble to comment, though.


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